A new life

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The alarm clock sounded for Artemis to wake up. It was 6 a.m and she had to get ready for her first day of Junior year at her new school Beacon Hills high. She groaned as her hand searched for the small clock on her bedside table. Getting annoyed by the sound of the ringing, she growled and grabbed the clock, throwing it hard against the door.

"Artemis!" a voice yelled from downstairs. Artemis groaned in response. She lazily pushed the covers off her red silk pajama covered body and slowly sat up.

The light of day peeked through the small space between her curtains. Since it was fall, there were barely any birds outside so it was relatively quiet. Her calender caught her eye. It was day 20 of sobriety and day 15 without any nightmares or flashbacks. The 3 months of her summer in rehab and therapy were paying off.

Finally she got up and headed for the shower. The hot water soothed her slightly tense body. The water temperature was at its highest, but it felt lukewarm to Artemis. It was calming nonetheless. She finished showering and washing her hair, and dried her body and hair before stepping back into her room.

Knowing she had plenty of time for everything, she took her time in picking her outfit, putting her makeup on and styling her hair. She slipped on a pair of ripped jeans, a beige sweater, an oversized denim jacket and beige heels. She tied her hair up into a neat bun put on some red lipstick then sat and stared into the mirror.

Artemis thought about how she had come a long way since the incident. She had started talking to her mother again and laughing from time to time at Julie's jokes when they were on the phone. Of course she'd never be the same without Hunter and had an empty space in her heart but that was part of losing someone you loved. Artemis understood that Hunter was never coming back, but she couldn't help but miss her from time to time.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. Artemis glanced up at the door and said, "Come in mom." Amanda slowly opened the door and moved to take a seat next to her daughter. The two turned their attention back into the mirror.

Amanda ran her hands up and down Artemis's arms. She smiled at her daughter and spoke. "You've come so far honey, and here you are. The start of a new life. Are you ready?" Artemis sighed. "I don't think I'll ever be ready to move on. But I have to. For you. For me." Amanda was proud of her daughter, and it made Artemis feel good. Her mom had done nothing but make sure she got the best of everything, and now it was time to appreciate her.

"You driving or should I take you?" Amanda offered. Artemis shook her head. "I know the way."


Scott McCall parked his dirt bike in his usual space, right next to what used to be Jackson's parking spot. The same parking spot that had maroon Jaguar parked in it. The windows were tinted so Scott couldn't see the owner but he didn't have to wait long because as soon as he put his helmet down, the door of the car opened and she stepped out.

Tall, slender, golden skinned girl, with mesmerising brown eyes and amazing brown hair tied up. She was one of the most beautiful girls Scott had ever seen in his life. He was relieved that it wasn't another rich douchebag instead.

Before he could tear his eyes away, hers made contact with his. In that moment Scott sensed something was different about her. She wasn't human that's for sure, but he couldn't put a finger on exactly what she was. "Uhh you gonna keep staring or are you gonna say something?" she asked snapping him out of his thoughts. He blinked rapidly before answering.

"Oh, yeah. Uhmm...hi," he said with a small wave. Her eyebrows jumped in suprise. She didn't expect that. Scott wish he knew what she expected. He also hoped she didn't think she was some kind of dork. And apparently she didn't because she smiled right back. "Hi," was all she said before making her way into the school.

To trust and to hold {Scott McCall x Original Character}Where stories live. Discover now