I think I'm falling for you instead on the ground...

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A/N: Hey there! this is the new long awaited chapter and I really hope you will like it! For my german fellows this Chapter will probably have some nice suprises for you from the beginning up the end. Have fun reading~

As I wake up I notice that it is already saturday. "8 am... I could ask miya to hang out..." I grab my phone and quickly realize that I don't even have his number. "I'm such a dumbass ughh" I groan as I put my phone away and go to the kitchen where my mom already sits. "Good morning Y/N!" She says. "Good morning mom" I yawn and put some tea in my cup.  "You know soon are already holidays so I had the Idea that we visit Germany together! Of course we don't have to go to the city with your father but I thought it wouldbe nice if we visit it once. Maybe your new friend wants to come with us?" Mom requested. I think for a second: "Are you sure he wants to come with us? I mean we just have that deal and I don't even have his number to ask or-" She cuts my questions: "Look a you sweetie he probably likes you so just ask him over his social media account if he wants to come with us. If he's unsure he can surely come here with his parents and get to know me!" She chuckles.  "MOM YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT" "So you like him?" "No! Well... atleast not in that way" I went silent. "Well then there is no problem right?" she added. I sigh and go gt my phone to text him. //This is so embarrasing he will think something wrong or whatever//  I go back down in the kitchen with my phone and text him:

Y/N: Hey Miya do you have any plans today or in the Holidays?

I turn my Phone off and wait until he answers. After a few seconds my phone already rings as if he waited for my text.

Miya: Y/N? How did you find my acc you weirdo?? 

Y/N: That doesn't matter right now. So do you have plans?

Miya: Well no but why do you ask? 

Y/N: Uhm me mom and I wanted to visit germany in the holidays and uhh wanna come? And about today we could like go skating maybe?

Miya: I gotta talk with my parents about the Holidays but today skating would be ok I guess... but why so sudden? Thought we just wanted to show each other how to skate (-on ice) .-.

Y/n: Ok then cya at the park at 10 am? 

Miya: Ok then don't anwer my question ig? Cya at 10 am then

"You're blushing" My mom grins. "I'M NOT" I burst out while getting actually red. "Want a mirror little tomato?" "shut up I'm just exhausted or something" I put my phone away and sigh. "He said he will talk about the holidays with his parents and at 10 am we go to the skatepark." 

                                                              *Timeskip: 10 am*

I am waiting at the skatepark for Miya. I brought some snacks and drinks with me. After a few minutes he finally arrives. "Good morning!" I greet him. "Mornin'" he greets back. Miya packs out the boards while i put my backpack down. He walks towards me jokingly saying: "Why don't we learn an ollie today?" "sure" I jokingly add. It wasn't a good Idea tho since he seems to take it serious. "Woah I didn't expect that-" He whispers. "Are you sure you wanna try that already?" "Actually that was- fuck it let's do it" I step on the board and look at Miya. "I'm  not bringing you to the hospital if you break your neck" he clarifies before explaining to me how to do an ollie. The dumbass I am I try it out before Miya finishes and the board slips away making me fall. Miya grabs me by my hoodie, trying to avoid me hitting the ground. "You're too heav-" I grab his arm and pull him down with me. I hit my head on the ground and Miya lies half over me.  "ow..." "You're so fucking stupid Y/N" Miya growled. "Can you like... get off of me?" I say starting to blush.  He gets of of me and helps me up. "We'll forget the ollie for today" he says not paying attention to my face. //too close too close too close too close omg// My face turns completly tomato red. "Wanna do something e-" He looks at my face: "What's wrong? You're red asf" he asks. "Nothing. Absolouly nothing. hehe" I look to the side.  "Y/N?" "yes?" "Why germany? Didn't you just move here a few months ago?" he asks taking the boards and sitting down. "Oh well" Iit next to him: "I was born in germany and think it's pretty nice there if you don't look at the school system and all that. My mom wanted to see germany and made the request to go there this morning." "What's wrong with the german school system?" he looks at me. "It's overly stressing and most of the time there are racist or sexist teachers at the school who grade bad based on your race and gender.  Sometimes you get judged based on what kind of school you go." I answer. "And they don't do anything about it?" "no".  We spend time until it gets dark and head home.

At home I talk a bit with my mom and then rush in my room to chat a bit with miya. 

Y/N: Hey Miya! Can I ask you something?

Miya: Hey Y/n  I don't really have long time because I have something to do tonight so hurry

Y/N: Oh ok. 

Y/N: Well we hang out a bit more now right?

Miya: Yeah what about it?

Y/N: Are we actual friends now? 

Miya: Friends?

Y/N: Yep!

Miya: I don't know... would you say that?

Y/N: I think so... I mean we probs go on holiday together!

Miya: You're right but... if we become good friends it will just hurt if we leave each other

Y/N: Who said that we will leave? I don't wanna just leave you!

Miya:  You're funny but if you say so 

Y/n:  That's a yes right? :D

Miya: Yeah but i gtg now cya!

Y/N: cya! :)

I put my phone aside with a wide smile and go to bed. "We're finally friends" I whisper having a new exited feeling in my stomach. I fall asleep after a while. A few weeks pass and I hang out with Miya more and more. When I see him I always have that exited feeling in my stomach. His Parents agreed to him coming with us to germany. I never felt so exited and happy and all that in my life before.  "Next week are holidays... finally" 



                             Y/N please never leave me whatever happens...


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