(3) Independent

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It's morning again. I wake up after my mom got home tho. Well I wake to my mom screaming actually. "WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING Y/N. I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO THAT BOY EVER AGAIN" She burst into my room screaming:"I knew those Cameras would pay off one day."
Cameras? What is she- fuck. I sit upright as she keeps screaming at me:"HOW DARE YOU HAVE SEX WITH THAT BOY. AT YOUR STATE TOO. YOU'RE A FIGURE SKATER NOT SOME HOOKER. WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?" I stay silent. "ANSWER ME" She yells. I stand up a give her a death glare:" What I thought I was doing? Living my life. Loving the boy that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't care about you. I know everything. You're not even my mother for me anymore. You're a traitor and will never be anything else. And now that I think about it. You're a whore. A shameless whore. I bet you fucked those disgusting doctors so they revive me. Just like you fucked my father and left. You were a whore and bad mother ever since. You're just as disgusting and egoistic as my father." She looks at me in shock:"Excuse me? This is how thank me? Even if I had sex with the doctors. I revived you. And you thank me like that? Fucking some Boy? And calling me a whore?"
I smile at her:"Yes you whore. At least I stick to one boy that I'm fucking."
I take my phone and storm out. My mom trys to follow me but I already slammed the door shut and am on the streets wandering around. I find a place to sit down and look through my phone. Suddenly I get a call. It's from 'Redhead'. I pick up:"Hello?"

-Hey Y/n I just wanted to say sorry for everything and was hoping we could meet up again and catch up maybe?

-Hey yeah sure where do you wanna meet up?

-At the cafe?

-Yeah sure

-Alright see you then

I make my way to the Cafe wondering what to do since I don't want to go home. I chuckle as I start humming go big or go home. In the cafe I see the redhead and sit with him.
"Hey y/n Miya told me about what happened I'm sorry", he starts.
I nod:"Yeah it's okay. I just had a fight with her and to be honest I don't want to go home again."
"You can stay with me for a while. My mom shouldn't have a problem with it. Especially with your sad story.", he smiles. We order some cake and chocolate milk and continue talking. "So what will you do next?", Reki asks. "I don't know probably stay at some places until I make enough money to buy myself a home."

Later we arrive at his place but his mom is working. He calls his mom to tell her about me staying and she is ok with it. We just killed some time and then went to sleep at some point.

I just stayed at different places overtime and cut off contact with my mother after getting all of my things from home. I continued Figure skating and took part in many more competitions. Some day I started to make some money off competitions and got a mini job to afford a small apartment.

Mister Catboy  (Chinen Miya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now