||A Special Birthday For a Special Person||

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"Yeah, of course we are."

"Really? Nothing more?"

I clenched my hands behind my back as he took in the surroundings of the house. He walked around the room, messing with the small random gadgets and things lying around the room. I stayed planted where he left me.

"I don't see how you can make this room a party room, Sapnap," I said, scanning around the almost completely empty room. Aside from the random old toys in the corner and the broken down kitchen that didn't even take up a quarter of the room, there was nothing but sand.

He snickered, "Imagination, Clay. We just pretend. We can also make a sand castle cake, kind of like what we did for our thirteenth birthdays, you remember that?"

I nodded.

"But, don't try to change the subject. You have a thing for the poetry boy."

I tried to retaliate but all that came out were some random sputter of words. Not even I knew what I was trying to say. My entire body heated up like a candle, my eyes were wide with surprise that Sapnap would make such a bold statement when the poetry boy in question was only a wall away and an empty doorway away.

"Well?" Sapnap pushed as he started kicking some dirt into a pile. "Do you?"

"I-I don't know," I said, kicking more dirt into the pile. Adrenaline pushed through my veins, and it took everything in me to not act on it. "You couldn't wait until we left to bring this up?"

"What do you mean 'I don't know'? Do you want to grab him and kiss him?" He asked, purposely ignoring my question.

"I don't even know how kissing works, Sap."

He laughed to himself. "It all makes sense now. The sneaking around, not bringing your gun with you, not blowing his brains out when you've had dozens of chances. How long have you had a thing for him?"

"I don't—well—I don't know," I stammered. "It's confusing."

"Oh yeah, you fell for the poetry boy." He sat down in front of the dirt pile he made and began to create what I assumed to be some deformed birthday mud cake. "Now what was it you told me when Karl was a common? Oh yeah, you're being such an idiot right now. God, you're so irresponsible."

"Oh, my God," I mumbled, sitting down across from him.

"This won't end well for you, Clay," Sapnap continued, snickering with his giddy grin. "It's illegal! Techno's going to kill you, and Wilbur's going to go on a-a twenty-minute lecture when they find out. That sound familiar, Clay?"

"You are so annoying," I replied, and he laughed.

"You only say that because now it's happening to you. Had this been the other way around and I fell for this poetry boy instead, you would have already shot him dead."

"You're not shooting him," I immediately snapped before I could fully process what to say.

Sapnap's eyes widened. "Chill out, I'm not planning on it. You act like I don't care about how you feel. If I didn't, I wouldn't have let this go on for as long as it is."

He stacked up more sand and pulled out a match. He only ever used them during special events. Mainly because he only had a box and chose to use it sparingly rather than self indulging himself and burning all the sticks all at once. A small flame lit the end of the match after he swiped it across the box, and he stuck it on top of the pile of sand he created.

"Alright, go get George," He said, somehow finding ways to put finishing touches on his sandcastle.

When I entered the other room, George was sitting, not on his bed, but next to it. He sat on the side away from the door, not even noticing me enter.

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