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"Do you trust me?"

I could feel his heart racing, and he trembled as if we were in the negative degrees.


He took a quick breath and nodded into my chest.

"Yes, I trust you."

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going to count to three. On three, I'm going to fire."

He nodded.

I cleared my throat, "One." He tightened his hold on me.

"Two." My heart pounded in my ears. My gun trembled in my hand. Both my palms were soaked with sweat. I held my breath.


I shut my eyes. The gun in my hand shook as I lifted it up into the sky. I fired, and George flinched in my arms. For a moment, it was totally silent. Even my own thoughts had waned.

The gun dropped from my grip as I wrapped both my arms tightly around George. "You're okay. I told you it wouldn't hurt."

"Wait, I'm alive." He pulled away from me and grabbed at his clothes. His entire body shook violently. His eyes were lost and huge and still full of tears. "You-You didn't kill me."

"Of course I didn't."

"What is wrong with you?" He snapped, and I shushed him.

"Be quiet. Give me the file."

He backed up against the red metal house. "No, what are you doing?"

"I just killed you, George. Well, everyone thinks I did, anyway. Look, they will keep hunting you down until they think you're dead. I just need to return the file and then we're both in the clear."

"You are so messed up," He hissed, "You couldn't give me a warning first?"

"I didn't have much time to think. I forgot to tell you. Now give me the—"

"What do you mean you forgot to tell me? A quick 'I'm not actually going to kill you' would've been nice."

"I'm sorry. Had I thought of it sooner I would've told you. Now give me the file." I held my hand out. He narrowed his eyes and groaned.

"Fine." Unzipping his backpack, he handed over the yellow file. "Don't look inside."

I looked it over without opening it up. It was still in decent condition. There weren't many folds or creases nor was there much dirt.

"Alright. I'll go put on my uniform and return this. You stay here. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Fine. I'll be waiting."

The blood in my veins boiled as I entered the circle of houses. It had been completely vacated since the run-in with Tommy and Tubbo, aside from the poetry boy leaning against the red house and writing away in his poetry book. I withdrew his clout goggles from my pocket and threw it at him. He shook out of whatever trance he was in and jumped to his feet.

"What the heck?" He shouted.

"No, what the fuck to you, George?" I snapped. I opened up the file and allowed the many pages of poems and notes to fall to the ground. "You replaced the papers?"

"Obviously. You really thought I was going to just hand them over?" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah. I figured you'd care more about your life than some stupid government papers."

Nightingale - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now