||So Smile||

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My favorite missions were always the undercover ones. The ones where didn't have to wear the thick black trench coat and choking black turtle neck that came with it. I hated how Wilbur made us wear a uniform. The least he could do was make it something we could breathe in, but apparently looking good was more important than feeling good.

I took advantage of the fact that this was the rare occasion where I got to choose what I wore. I got to wear my loose white t-shirt and navy blue jeans with my converse. It was the only outfit I owned aside from the Specialty uniform, but it was still more comfy to wear in the heat than multiple layers of thick, all black clothes.

I had just slipped my gun into my belt and covered it with my shirt when there were two knocks at my door followed by a brief pause and three more knocks. There he was. I walked my way across the small apartment and pulled open the door. Sapnap stood before me with messy bedhead and the clothes he wore the night before.

"Ah look who's finally back after ditching me during night watch," Sapnap rolled his eyes with a smile and walked right passed me. He immediately went through our cupboards in search for any crumb of food.

"I was going to come back, but then you said to just go back to bed."

"You couldn't just come back here?"

He smirked and glanced over at me. "Oh right, I forgot. Baby Dreamy over here's afraid of sleeping alone."

My heart paused, and my eyes widened as I cleared my throat and crossed my arms as I felt my face burn red. "I am not."

He laughed, "Yes, you are! You are the only person here who's never lived alone."

"That doesn't mean I can't sleeping alone."

"Alright. I'll stay the week over at Karl's then. You can sleep alone."

"Fine." My voice cracked as I watched Sapnap rummage through the empty soup cans before finding a fresh one that was not spoiled. He looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry," He said, placing the can on the counter.

"I'm not afraid of sleeping alone," I muttered, gazing down at my worn out blue converse shoes. They had holes in them and didn't even look all that blue anymore, but they were the only pair of shoes I had aside from the heavy set boots I did not feel like walking in today.

"Dude, I didn't mean it. I'll be back here tonight."

"I don't care. Do whatever you want." I turned away from him and started out the door. "I have an assignment. I'll see you later."

"Wait, can I come?"

"No, I need to clear my head."

Sapnap looked like he wanted to say more. He kept staring at me with his mouth half open before he leaned back against the counter and nodded. "Alright, bye."

I shut the door behind me. Down the hall, Fundy and Niki emerged from their apartment. Fundy was suited up in his all black Specialty suit with his cotton black turtle neck and thick trenchcoat. It wasn't all black, though. He had somehow stitched color along the inner edges.

Niki was lucky. She was a common and never had to get dressed in our uniform. The only reason she was here was because she and Fundy had been best friends for basically their entire lives. They were raised as brother and sister, and he wasn't going to leave her behind just because he was chosen to become a Specialty. She wrapped his jacket tighter around her body as she said, "Why's it so cold in here?"

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