Chapter 11

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Rebecca’s POV

                The rest of the night was a blur, between Anna’s strangling hugs and the keeping an upbeat appearance at closing act, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I practically flung myself into the car when it was time to go. I just wanted to get home fast enough so I could possibly take a nap before I headed over to Crystal Creek. Once Jacob, B, and Anna closed their doors, I shut my eyes and drifted off into dream land.

“Bec, wake up” Jacob whispered in my ear while gently shaking my shoulder “Come on and get your lazy arse out of the car. Otherwise B is making me carry you upstairs. I don’t want to so wake up!” At the last part he pushed me out of the car and laughed when I hit the ground. I glared at him as I used the car door to pull myself up. I then hobbled toward the house, intent on getting some coffee. I had to be alert when I saw Robin next; I need a clear head in order to make the best decision.

If Robin even wants to see you…A negative voice in my head reminded me

 Thankfully for me, B had already made some coffee, so all I had to do was pour myself a glass and sweeten it with sugar cubes. I sank into one of the pleather couches in the living room, sighing happily when the first sip of the warm liquid slid down my throat. It tasted like heavenly caramel. Yummy. I sat on the couch for a while, staring at the large grandfather clock next to me. It read 10:27. I sighed and started to extract myself from the comfortable couch. I placed the now empty mug in the sink and speed walked to my room. I threw open my closet and started digging through the piles of clothes for a new outfit. It was quite cold outside so I settled for a pair of faded blue jeans, a knitted white top paired with a large black belt around the waist, and dark chocolate brown boots. I threw my black North Face jacket over it and added white gloves for the added warmth. Then I dug under my bed and pulled my lovely guitar out. Going out to play is probably the easiest way for me to sneak out. All my housemates understand that whenever I’m stressed or nervous I go out and play my beautiful guitar. It’s too easy to say I’m going out to play when really I’m meeting up with friends they don’t approve of or going out to practice magic. I’ve never told them where I play, so I know we won’t be disturbed in the clearing. I creep down the stairs almost out the door when B’s voice stops me.

“Rebecca, we need to talk about something”

I froze at the seriousness in his voice and slowly turned around to face him. B’s arms were crossed and an air of grim certainty wafted around him. I waited for him to start the conversation, my head whirling with what this could be about. He noticed the guitar strapped to my back

“Going out?” he observed

I nodded

“Well I’ll make this quick” he sighed, gesturing toward the couch. We both sat down.

“What do you remember about when you lived with your parents in Gotham?” he asked

His question caught me by surprise. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was struggling to find the right words to explain this. “Not that much” I said cautiously “Just their names and bits of their personalities.” I lied at that part. By going back with my Sight I know practically everything about them. But B doesn’t know about my gifts, so best to go with a more generic answer.

 “Rebecca, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but, you’re different. You were born with special gifts; no one except your parents knew what they are exactly though, or how you got them. Actually, scratch that. I don’t even think your parents knew.” He closed his eyes and groped for more words

“A few weeks before your parents died they received a letter. The letter was from an anonymous source and it warned them that people would be looking for you, or more specifically your gift. They told us about it and we made a plan. The plan was to send you here to stay with us for a while or until it was safe for you. The letter never indicated a specific threat but it was insistent on getting you to safety. And Rebecca, I’m sure if you remember, but you have a brother. Your parents planned to keep you together, but their death resulted in you two being separated. We let it happen because you said to. When Mr. Wayne came for Dick we tried to convince him that he’d be fine with us, but you pulled us aside and told us to let him go. Anna and I were a bit confused, but you were adamant that we listened.” He continued, staring intently at me.

                “When you first came to live with us, you were obsessed with coloring. You would color anything and everything that was in you reach, which was problematic since we liked the wall white, not rainbow.” He paused and chuckled. I was frozen in shock. “You always drew a boy with jet black hair and a mask covering his eyes. Anna asked who it was; you just giggled and told us it was your hero, Robin. On a few of your works Robin wasn’t alone. Above them you would write ‘The Teen Titans’. We looked for any information on them but there was nothing relevant. You drew so many pictures of all them, complete with maps of their rooms and how to get to a few of their home planets. And that’s when the odd things started to happen; objects moving on their own, lights flickering, doors opening and closing without anything near them. At that point we started to worry, either something was going on or your powers were starting to manifest themselves; and that’s when Eliza got involved. The circus had a few participants in the past that were different, and Eliza knew them all; she was our best bet on finding out how to help you…cope. And that’s exactly what she did, she found a psychic that blocked your powers until you were old enough to use them properly. And now you’re old enough, so here’s the news, you have powers. Congrats, don’t get a big head” He finished, chucking

I honestly had no clue what to say. B just told me that he’s known about my gift this whole time. Do you know how much time and effort I’ve wasted sneaking out to learn how to control my magic when I could have used the front door?!

“Well thanks for telling me, now if you excuse me I need to be going” I got up made a beeline for the door

“Hold your horses, young lady” Anna said firmly

I spun around “What do you want me say? Thanks for finally telling me? I’m grateful and all that, but I have an appointment I need to keep”


“Anna I really do have a-


“Yes ma’am” 

(A/N Hello again and Happy Holidays!!!!!!!! Tonight a fat man dressed in red will climb down my chinmy and give me things, all for some cookies. His priorities probobly aren't the best....anyway hi! How are you? Hope you enjoyed this chapter, another is being quickly written 'cuz I have been struck...with inspiration! (and caffine...). Remember that every vote counts!!! And dont forget to...

Vote, Comment, Fan XOXOXO (I added an extra XO 'cuz i'm a giver ;-D)


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