Chapter 3

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            Walking back to the house seemed more sinister without Jacob (He had to stay behind because he needed to practice for an extra thing he was doing).

 A persistent feeling of unease continued dogging my thoughts as I trudged down the dark and snowy sidewalk, attempting to walk in the spots of inconsistent light cast by old, rusted street lamps. My eyes darted every which way, my body was tense.

What’s going on? I thought cautiously. I am never this jumpy, I hope this isn’t one of the prophetic feelings I get now and then…

Then, my head finally registered the noise that was making me stand at alert. Very quiet shuffling noises that seemed to come from everywhere. The only thing I was sure about it was that it was coming from the rooftops above me. Suddenly there was a blur of red crossing the rooftops.


What was that?!

Okay, now I’m starting to panic

Okay Beck, deep breaths. Nothing is going on; it’s all in your head. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill.

My breath started coming out in short puffs, visible due to the cold temperature.

I started deep breathing, the kind you learn in a yoga class to find your center. I’ve always found it to be calming. The rhythmic pounding of tires sounded from behind me, I whirled around to see a white van hurtling closer, through the front window I could see a few of the occupants inside; they did not look like friendly people. They all had on metal red orange/black masks on, not to mention their ninja attire.

Well this isn’t going to end well…

 The van screeched to a stop next to me, the side door starting opening with a creak.

I turned and sprinted away as fast as my legs would carry me. My practice bag fell off my shoulder and hit the ground with a thud.

Uh oh…

Pounding footsteps echoed behind, the sign of pursuit. I looked around for a good place to hide, being so rundown I could just launch myself into one of the window and into one of the many abandoned houses lining the street. But I sensed it would be the wrong thing to do, so I kept running. Once again the rhythmic pounding of tires hitting the street sounded behind me, my heart was beating so fast I worried it would beat right out of my chest, my sneakers slapped the sidewalk. I wasn’t fast enough, no surprise there thanks to the muscle strain I’d endured during practice that day.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist forcing me to stop. I used the momentum of my sudden stop to flip him up and over my back, onto the concrete sidewalk. I immediately started running again doing my best to pick up the pace. I wanted to put as much distance as possible between me and these baddies.   

Is he ok?  I absently wondered. Even if he wasn’t, he did deserve it. Kidnapping isn’t exactly legal ya know.

The van was driving right beside me now. I put myself running on the inside of the sidewalk to keep the distance. One of the ninja things leaned out the door and grabbed my arm causing me to trip, my weight dragged him out of the moving van and we tumbled to a stop. A trickle of blood ran down my face from a gash on my forehead. Not bad, considering the fact about the thing that fell with me wasn’t moving. I struggled to my feet and prepared myself for a fight. I thanked God that I had a black belt in karate, ju-jitsu and a few other types of martial arts to my name.

The van halted and 5 more ninja things popped out and surrounded me in a matter of seconds.

Well I’m screwed

I might’ve been able to fend off a few of them, but 5? No chance

One lunged forward; I dodged, letting it run into another behind me. Than the rest attacked in one wave, I did land a few well-placed kicks and punches, but they hurt like crazy; like they were made of rock. I tried to flip up and over the ring of attackers, but one grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground. My head and shoulder slammed into the pavement, a grunt of pain escaped my lips, but I still struggled to my feet.

Hard fingers grabbed me from behind, lifting me and throwing me over their shoulder.

“Most people ask me for a date first” I croaked

They dumped me in the van, and one tried to move past me and tie me to a seat. The key word here is ‘tried’.

I rocked onto my back and used all the strength I had left to kick launch out of the van. He hit the pavement with a satisfying ‘thud’. I stumbled out of the van to see a sight I could never had guessed I would see.

Blue lasers blasting from a canon mounted on some dudes arm was mowing down rows of the ninja things with the help of a…green pterodactyl?

Did I miss something here, since when did dinosaurs reappear and roam the streets fighting crime?

It was getting harder to stay on my feet, I couldn’t stop swaying and everything had a bright light around it. Not sure if the bright lights are from the head injury or just peoples auras. I’m going with auras, mostly due to the fact that the colors are different.

Well this is just peachy

I slumped against a wall to avoid face planting the concrete.  My eyes slid shut for a moment and I imagined putting my ‘aura vision’ away in a box. I opened my eyes.

Wow, that actually worked.

I paused to watch the battle unfolding in front of me. It seemed to be between the ninjas and 5 people; I’m assuming they’re heroes.

The one shooting blue laser is a cyborg, the green pterodactyl is actually a green guy who can morph into different animals (he’s transformed into a rhino right now), a girl in a dark purple cloak who used dark energy to fight, she actually reminded me of my gifts, and a girl with fire red hair who shot green star bolts from her hands and green lasers from her eyes. The fifth looked to the most agile of them all; he had jet black hair and a mask covering his eyes. I could tell he was a master of martial arts by the way he easily destroyed the ninja things with a kick or a hit with a metal pole. Turns out the ninja things were robots, which must be why they were so cold and why my hand hurts like crazy now.

My eyes blearily watched, but I my mind was out of it. I vaguely noticed I was stumbling away from it all, my fingers desperately grasping at the space in between the mortar of the building. Heavy footsteps filled my mind, a whisper in my head told me to run, but my feet wouldn’t respond; I was drained.

Cold, hard hands caught me and flung me into the air, a shriek escaped my lungs before I hit the inside of the van. All the air rushed out of my lungs and a distinct crack echoed internally, leaving me gasping, than hissing.

Red head appeared outside the window, throwing her bolts, needless to say all the glass shattered around me. I threw up my arms, trying to protect my face. Shrapnel shredded my jeans sliced my skin like it was butter. Another shriek erupted from my mouth.

I propped myself up on a seatback, watching; if they ended up being bad guys too than this is just pointless

“STARFIRE!” I heard on of the heroes shout “Watch where you aim, there’s someone in the car!”

“Sorry Robin!” fire hair yells back.

I stopped moving, too spent to haul my sorry butt out of the van, so instead I quickly analyzed their conversation. So her name is Starfire, interesting name, sounds foreign.

I stared, wide eyed, at the masked boy sprinting closer and whispered “Robin?”

(A/N So this is all I've written to be posted, so now it's up to you the reader to decide if there will be anymore to this story. All you have to do is press the like button and volia! I will keep updating the story until I finish. All for you! So what are you waiting for? Press it! ;-)


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