Chapter 8

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Rebecca’s POV

The moment I stepped backstage I rushed over to the bathroom and locked the door. I propped myself up on the door and did my best to calm my ragged breathing.

How did they find me? How did he find me?

A knock sounded on the bathroom door.

“Are you ok hon?” Delia asked from the other side.

“I’m ok,” I managed to force out. “just need a minute”. Her footsteps shuffled away. I sank to the ground, pulling my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I rested my chin between my knees, rocking back and forth slightly. I wasn’t sure what to do about the Titans being here. I mean, it’s not like I can hide out in the bathroom for the rest of my life, I need to act. My emotions swirled around my head, influencing different thoughts. Sad wanted me to cry it out, but anger wanted to rip them to shreds for interrupting my life. I knew both options were out of the questions, crying would ruin my makeup and anger, just wouldn’t be good…courage finally pushed a thought I could use. It was go out there and perform like there is no tomorrow. Show him what he’s missed by cutting you from his life. Be a shining star!

Halleluiah, an option I can work with!

I judged the courageous option was the best by far. I got off the floor, fixed my dress, and then looked in the mirror to make sure I still looked great. My hair was a smidge frizzy, but otherwise I looked the same. I walked out of the bathroom and into the ready room. I sat down near Anna and pulled out my iPod.

Tonight is an ABBA night

I closed my eyes and let the melody of Dancing Queen take me away to a calmer place.

            I felt someone take out my ear buds.

“You’re up in 5 minutes, Bec” Jacob whispered in my ear

“Thanks for the heads up” I pushed him away from my ear, everything interaction is made uncomfortable by a skimpy leotard.

“No problem” Jacob shot me a wink, I shot him a look. I jumped up and took a last look in the mirror, I looked flawless. My pale skin, dark hair, and red lips made me look like a porcelain doll. I slipped another outfit on over the skimpy one. My aerial dance was meant to relax and amaze you. This rose colored dress that flowed like water when I moved was the perfect thing.

I heard the first few strains of My Immortal from the band stand. I gracefully waltzed over to the long white fabric suspended on the rafters. I slowly started my way to the top, locking my eyes with Robin’s to make sure he was paying attention. His body language said he was very uncomfortable here. Awww little Robby feels awkward visiting his sis. No worries, I was gonna make his pain sooo much worse when there were no witnesses around to call the police.  

Okay Rebecca, no violent thoughts during your performance. Remember to make your movements fluid, not robotic.

Right focus, afterward he will pay…

I soon reached the top of the fabric and starting doing neat tricks. I turned it into a swing, a pull up bar, and hung upside down on the makeshift bar. Then I wrapped it around my foot, hanging on with one hand, and did a ballerina pose. An assistant below twisted the fabric slowly so I would rotate around the arena. I closed my eyes and went on autopilot. Next thing I knew it was the final trick, I tied the fabric around my waist and let go. Wind whooshed past my ears, making my hair flap, and the ground rushed to meet me. The crowd gasped in shock. Last second I grabbed the fabric, springing me to a stop. I then twisted the fabric around my body and slid to the ground like it was a fireman’s pole. I bowed; the crowd went wild with clapping. Robin looked especially impressed, like he even cared.

            I danced back to the ready room. Everyone congratulated me, saying it was the best performance of the night. I sank down onto a couch and caught my breath. I had 23 minutes before my act with Jacob. I intended to use all the time to take a short nap. But of course Jacob wanted to talk like we usually did before his act.

“Bec,” he whined, poking my leg “talk to meeeeee”

I may kill this boy

“Jacob I’m tired! Let me rest so I won’t pass out from exhaustion during our act!” I snapped back

“Fine” he pouted. I swear that boy never acts his age. “Are you thinking about the boy you kept looking at?” He said, poking me with a mischievous grin on his face

“What boy?” I asked, confused

“The one in Ray Bands. Don’t you know only douchbags wear sunglasses inside, I would’ve thought your standards were higher than that Bec” He teased

Oh shit, he noticed Robin. I face palmed. “No Jacob, I am not into him or any other douchbag that wears sunglasses inside”

“Good, because your mine tonight darling” said Anthony the clown (he plays my second suitor)

I laughed “You know it.”

After that we kept the conversation light with random topics like the weather and clothes. Eliza appeared behind Anthony. “Ok, you guys are the main act, don’t mess it up. You’re on in 5.” She walked off.

“What a great pep talk huh?” Jacob said with heavy sarcasm. I nodded my head in agreement.

I again gave myself a once over. I redid my makeup so it allowed me to work my hotness better and slipped off the robe to once again reveal my little leotard. This is probably one of the best nights of my life, as is most performance night. They’re just so much fun!

            Jacob, Anthony, and I ran to our positions as the light turned off. We waited patiently for the music to start. Once again the band started the music, Bring Me Back to Life, but the tent stayed dark. Eliza added a surprise part the other day. She wanted me to sing the opening lines before we started the routine. I said heck to the yes! I took a deep breath and let the music flow out from me, possibly using magic to make sure I was heard by all in the tent.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?

Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb

Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold

until you find it there and lead it back home

I finished my solo and we burst into action. Jacob and Anthony trying to vie for my attention, me climbing a rope up to the trapeze to escape, Jacob following, and then we start the tricks. I had a funny feeling in my stomach, but I quickly pushed it away. I needed to be perfect. Jacob hung on the trapeze bar, swung a few times, and then grabbed my hands ‘forcing’ me to ‘dance’ with him. We performed flips and other neat tricks. A few times I ‘slipped’ trying to get away from Jacob, really it was to get a reaction from the crowd. A quick side glance at the audience told me all I needed to know, they were mesmerized. I flipped up onto a little platform next to the trapeze. Now for the quadruple flip. I had to do it very precisely if Jacob was to catch me. I did not want to put these poor people through the trauma of witnessing my painful and untimely demise. As I launched myself off the platform, my flips were timed perfectly, and grabbing Jacob’s hands, something went wrong. It felt a wave of black magic, slamming into me and giving me intense pain everywhere. I gasped in shock, then tears sprung to my eyes. The pain felt like acid was raining down on my bare skin and that I had drank some of the acid. My grasp on Jacob faltered, I couldn’t hold on any longer. I slipped from his grasp; his face was horrified and filled with fear as I plummeted to the ground. Tears fell from his eyes as I stared back, his face getting smaller and smaller.

Is this the end?

(A/N MWHAHAHAHA my first real cliffhanger!! Like I say everytime, thanks for reading!!!!! I'm pretty much updating every few days, so you're welcome. I'm gonna be alone for like 6 hours tomorrow so you know what that mean, procratination!!! Who wouldn't write a book instead of doing homework? So anywho, ya'll will hear from me again tommorow. Toodles!!!

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