Chapter 4

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It couldn’t be him…could it?

My mind turned stormy at the thought, and I hoped it wasn't, but all the facts seemed to be there.

5 superheroes (who looked to be teenagers), the same number of people I saw in my vision about the Teen Titans, and Starfire called a boy Robin. But would he use his name as his mantel? But I suppose the question is who was she talking to? Obviously it couldn’t be my Robin if it was the cyborg or the green guy since Robin is a normal human, but the masked one was plausible, he seemed human. Being raised as an acrobat would explain his agility, and he could’ve learned martial arts during our time apart, like I did. But the idea that he was Robin is still highly unlikely. Last time I checked the Titans headquarters was in Jump City on the west coast, we're currently in Sin City over on the east coast. What are the odds that they would travel all the way over to Sin City, Tennessee for no apparent reason?

I doubt they came to see to sightsee

Something started dragging me out of the van and into the frigid air. I struggled against the arms restraining me, but it was pointless, their grasp seemed stronger than iron. I'd forgotten how much a head wound saps your strength.

“It is alright,” a kind voice whispered “you’re safe now. There is no need to be scared any longer.”  

My body ached all over and I couldn’t find the strength to reply or to look at who was holding me.

“Raven,” started the same male voice who had yelled to Starfire “can you heal any of her wounds?”

My curiosity outweighed my weariness so I mustered enough strength to turn my head to see who was talking

“I’ll see what I can do” purple cloak replied, a neutral expression on her shockingly pale face. Raven’s hands projected a clear, light blue film of magic that she held to my head. The blinding pain in my head receded and I could feel all the cuts on my body closing. My body was still bruised and battered, and I had a pounding headache, but it was a definite improvement. Starfire helped to get me back on my feet.

“Thank you” I murmured, aimed at Raven and Starfire’s general direction.

Snow had started falling from the dark grey clouds again, covering the scrap metal in the streets along with all other evidence of the fight.

The manner in which the masked boy talked led me to appoint the title of leader on him. He turned to me after a quiet discussion with the cyborg. “What’s your name? I’m Robin and this is Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire.” He gestured to each person as he listed their name.


“I’m R-Rebec-ca” I stuttered. I hoped the cold temperature would lead them to believe I was shivering instead of stuttering. Truthfully I was reeling in shock at the admission of the boy’s name.

 “It’s nice to meet you Rebecca. We’re called the Teen Titans.” Robin continued

Oh my god. This makes it a 99.9 chance that this him! It took some focus to not let my mouth drop in amazement. I felt my spirit soar.

 Robin is really here. My brother came home, he does remember me!

Or does he? Whispered the rebellious voice in my head

Oh shut up! I told it, exasperated.

“We came here on a mission. Intelligence has told us that an enemy of ours has come to Sin City to seek out a girl with some kind of powerful gift. Since those were his minions, do you know who we could be talking about or where we could find her?”

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