Chapter 13

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Rebecca’s POV

            I was stunned into being a statue. You’d think the whole ‘magic powers’ thing would make me used to the abnormal, but nope. My brain is still trying to reject the idea of a talking animal, or more specifically a talking gorilla. I mentally slapped myself and brought my mind back into the real world. The giant gorilla was slowly yet nosily walking over to me; leaves crunching under his enormous feet. I had no clue what to think of this, did Robin send the monkey to get me? No, no that can’t be, the gorilla threatened to hurt someone if I didn’t comply so he couldn’t be a good guy. So I decided on the wisest option, run like hell; screw it that I’m not fast, I’ll improvise. I whipped around and started my escape, which made the monkey chuckle darkly.  He took a giant leap forward and landed in front of me, blocking my intended escape route. I dug my heels into the ground with the intention to stop but I skidded on a patch hidden ice and went tripping toward the gorilla’s outstretched arms instead.

I threw my weight over to one side so I could avoid gorilla arms and went head first in the creek, which made me cold beyond reason, but it’s probably better than the monkey arms. I was surprised at how the usually peaceful creek had raging waters beneath the frozen surface. I fought to break free of the strong current.

My side hit a particularly hard rock causing me to take a sharp intake of air; which was not smart since I was underwater. I did my best to spit out the water and gritted my teeth, my new plan to go with the flow. I hoped that the river would take me away fast enough that the talking gorilla wouldn’t get me after all. And then hopefully it would come to a calmer part where I could slip away. My plan was dashed when a very large and very hairy arm gripped my arm and tore me away from the creeks icy waters. I assumed it was the gorilla as he smelled like garbage; I fought retching as I struggled against the arms, ignoring the pain resonating from my hip, but it was pointless; I’m not strong enough, so I have to be smarter than him. I mean how hard could that be? He’s probably only an escaped lab animal that started working with the buy guys in order to buy his needed banana.

I was shivering uncontrollably from being wet in snow-able temperatures. I did my best to still myself gaze at my surroundings, trying to feel the solution for all of this. I closed my eyes for better concentration and tried to envision the world around me. I sent rings of magic to search everything, sort of like the magical version of echolocation. I ‘saw’ the hiding animals and…something else. Figures that I think are fighting were just out of normal eye sight. One of them had a very familiar aura, Robin. I opened my eyes and sent a hasty though message, I sensed the giant monkey was getting ready to blow this Popsicle stand, and I do not want to go with him.

Robin, please help me! A giant monkey has me in a death grip; I can’t get out of it, and he’s about to take me somewhere! Help!

I started fighting against the monkey again, hoping to distract him from Robin approaching. In a strange way I was glad to be where I was because the monkey was like a furnace and his fur was wiping the water off me.

 If he saw Robin he’d probably take of sooner, so I did the only thing I could think of in my panicked state. I bitch slapped his face with every ounce of strength I had and added chips of magic to make it sting. It worked at first, he was completely flabbergasted and I managed to slip away to hide behind a tree, but then he got beyond pissed. Thankfully that’s when Robin got his butt over here and distracted Mr. Monkey with a bird-a-rang.

“Monsieur Mallah, what did you do with Rebecca?” Robin growled at the monkey. I find it quite strange how a talking gorilla gets a name like Monsieur Mallah, but hey, I’m a girl with magic powers and can see the future, who am I to judge?

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