💙⚪️A Date?? Pt:1⚪️💙

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Rock and Roll All Nite🎸
This is some FLUFFY ass shit like I can't believe my dumbass even wrote it😭

"THE GREEN TEAM IS COMING GEORGE!!" Clay says screaming at me, wheezing like a tea kettle.
"IM COLORBLIND DUMBASS!" I cover my mouth with shock, forgetting that we were all streaming as I hear Nick and Y/n start laughing my
"GEORGE WHAT THE HELL!?" Y/n says everyone starting to laugh, I feel my face redden and look at the chat to see many people doing the pOg face, looking over at the discord call I see Y/n smiling at me, her face turning a light shade of pink when I look at her while Nick and Clay were still focused on the game.

She quickly turns back to her screen and so I, we had all been streaming bedwars for about 3 hours now this was gonna be our last game since it had taken the longest. Suddenly I get attacked by two people from behind and I panicked seeing them in full enchanted diamond, I try fighting back seeing Nick running towards me.
"I GOTCHU DONT D-" Nick says to me as he sees my body disappear leaving all my loot there.

  "Dang it! Sorry but you guys got this." I hit my desk slightly and suddenly feel my phone vibrate, I look down at it to see Clay texted me.

🧱: Hey you gonna ask her Georgie👀

Yes Clay, after the streams and you guys leave I will ask:Colorblind Boi

I roll my eyes and smile to myself as I see Y/n kill 2 people on another team, it was them 3 against 2 now they definitely had it in the bag.
Today I was finally going to ask her on a date, 3 years of friendship and the amount of time I've liked her I was finally going to ask her. It took a lot of hype from Clay and Nick, without them I would never tell her but welp I'm already here.

My thoughts are interrupted when I see Clay kill the last person, the fireworks going off in the game and I hear them cheering seeing my chat go crazy.
"LES GO GUYS!" I yell as they are "dancing" in the game legit just crouching up and down, we then say goodbye to our streams and end them the time being about 2 a.m for us sitting alone in the Discord call together.

"That was a good game guys." Y/n says, she makes a pouty face towards me though and smile at her.
"Yeah only if George hadn't died." Clay says laughing.
  "Yeah yeah whatever." I say as we all laugh, seeing Y/n the way she was right now was adorable.
Her F/C hoodie, messy H/C down and in her face, her headset resting on her head...to some she may have looked busted (mM tHiS cHiCkEn BUSSIn) but to me, she looked like one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

   "Hey guys imma head to bed, it was a really good run today see you losers later." Nick says stretching back into his seat and yawning.
"Bye Nick."
  "Goodnight Nick."
"BYE MAMAS!" Y/N yells to him, we all bust out laughing except for him as he throws us all the finger and leaves the call.
"Damn he mad Y/n." Clay wheezes,
  "He'll be okay."
"Anyways Imma head to bed too, you guys get boring." He winks at us yet I knew it was mainly towards me....

  "Goodnight Clay." I say waving to him.
He leaves the call leaving me and Y/n there alone with each other, now was the perfect time to ask her...
"Hey Y/n?" George looks at me, his messy dark brown hair sticking up in random places...he was so cute.
  "Yeah?" I feel myself blush, it happened everytime he said my name just butterflies going brrrrrrr.
"I was u-ummm wondering if maybe you wanted to...." He doesn't finish his sentence and I get a little closer to my camera, looking at his pretty brown eyes with INTENSE bags under them.

  "George?" I say and he takes a deep breath in, then letting it out.
"I was wondering...if you would maybe want to go out tomorrow night?" He asks, looking down at the ground.
I feel my face get very hot and I start stuttering.
  "O-oh? U-um sure...YES! Sorry I'm awkward..." I blurt out, hiding my face from embarrassment.

I hear him laugh as I uncover my face looking at him, he really was something else. His full pink lips were so amazing...dammit I fell hard for one of my bestfriends.
"Okay..I'll text you the details tomorrow goodnight cutie." He says to me, quickly leaving the call right after.
He Uh...he fUcK
  He really called me that........

Fuck me

Bro this is so cute wtf did I come up with, 3 a.m ideas go brrrrr
850 words
Yoooo........was poppin?

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