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Don't be so blind. Time is not on our side. Look me straight in the eyes. Do not say you will be alright.

«Ghost In The Mirror» Memphis May Fire


"Who was known as the 'Angel of Death' and why?" I read out loud to R. We have our exam on the Holocaust in History next and are going over the study guide our teacher handed out one last time on our way to class.

"Josef Mengele because... uh... he was the one with the twin thing, right?"

"Yes," I answer and read off the correct response, "because he would torture and perform experiments on Jewish children in the extermination camps. And yes, he was the dude with the twin thing. What did he do with twins?"

"He would do different tests and see things like if they bleached one twin's eyes would the other go blind, or torture one to see if the other would feel pain."

"Correct," I say.

"Okay. I think I'm actually ready for this test, believe it or not," she happily chirps.

"I'm glad," I laugh as we walk into our history class.

"Morning Miss Gavich," R and I both greet.

"Good morning! Are you ready for your torture test?" She smiles big and wide. She's joking--well, kinda--but we laugh along. She has a dry--and morbid--sense of humor that honestly makes her my favorite teacher ever. Although we aren't allowed to go home and tell our parents about her Hitler jokes, because apparently she's gotten in trouble for those before.

"Yeah... Me and Hitler may as well be BFFs at this point," I chuckle.

"Yeah, well hey! I hear he has a great spa! His steam rooms are world famous for taking the tension right out of ya!" she laughs and I join in.

"Oh, I'll have to make him show me at our next slumber party!"

"Just remember--don't drop the soap," she mock scolds and I burst out laughing.

"We're awful people, aren't we?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, but it makes life so much more entertaining!"

"Very true," I say.

"Ahhh... yeah, I'm goin' to hell," she chuckles under her breath. I shake my head and move to my seat towards the back of the class with R right behind me. I drop my bag on the ground and plop down in my seat before looking for a pencil in my collection of junk.

"I swear, I was so organized a few months ago," I laugh.

"Meh, I gave up on that years ago," R chuckles back.

A few minutes later, I have my pencil and study guide resting open on my desk as the bell rings for the beginning of class. I huff and put the packet back in my bag.

"Okay, you have the rest of the period to finish the test. When you're done... well I don't give a crap what you do, as long as you are silent," Miss Gavich announces as she passes out our tests. I chuckle and take my paper from the person in front of me. I write my name and date on the top of the page before beginning on the first question and making my way through the packet.

1. The Final Solution refers to
c. the plan for the systematic extermination of Jews

33. The name for the so-called 'perfect race' was
a. Aryan

57. How many were killed in the Holocaust?
b. about eleven million

81. What is another term for Krystallnacht?
d. Night of Broken Glass

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now