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Nightmares no longer wait for sleep.

«One Hundred Sleepless Nights» Pierce the Veil


Just go. Don't look back. Find somewhere to hide. 

I keep repeating the words to myself as I feel my way around the cabin-like building. My hands are shaking and my breath refuses to settle. My head spins and I am afraid I will pass out any second and they will get me. I fight against my heart pounding in my chest as I stumble through the hallway and make my way into a bedroom. I don't have to look around for a place to hide, because this part I know all too well. I mindlessly walk to the closet in the corner on the same wall as the door. I keep the tears down and try to quiet my labored breathing. Everything is hazy in my mind and I can't seem to grasp reality. 

Terror runs through me and I want to break down in sobs and tears. I hug my knees to my chest and wait for what happens next. 

Cold runs through me and I feel like I'm going to throw up as I see the dark shadow float through the doorway and hover in the middle of the small bedroom, between the two sets of wooden bunk beds. He seems to look around the room a bit. I make myself as small as can be and pray he doesn't see me. My whole body is tense and trembling. I have never experienced this much terror running through my veins. I want to cry and run and collapse all in one moment but all I can do is tremble in fear, awaiting the end 

My heart stops beating in my chest as I see him turn straight at me. His cold soul boring into my mind and making me want to pull my hair out to escape his grasp. He has no need for a face for his blank form is enough to strike fear through my body. I don't need to see his eyes to know he is staring straight at me. We both seem to freeze, watching the other closely--his gaze intimidating and dominate while mine is terror-stricken and submissive as I cower under him. 

I let the sobs free as he suddenly moves towards me. I whimper loudly and prepare for the miserable end, wanting it all to be over and to disappear from this hell. 

I shut my eyes tight and feel his foggy figure reach out for me. This is the end. This is where I am consumed by the darkness. This is where I join the others. This is when I give up--

I wake with a jolt, gasping and feeling like I've been slammed into the mattress. My limbs expand out and shake almost violently. My head feels like its being attacked from the inside by a millions needles taunting with pain but never carrying through the agony. Everything is spinning and my heart is racing in my chest. A fearful shock races through my spine and I bolt up in my bed. 

I can vaguely hear noises and voices around me, but they are muffled and far away. Tears streak down my cheeks and my lip trembles. 

What is happening? Why does this happen? Where am I? 

I fist the blankets beneath me as a violent sob rocks through my throat. My vision is clouded by fear and tears. I reach up and feel my forehead dripping with sweat. My fingers glisten in the light in front me as they come into focus. 

Suddenly the noises become louder and louder and I frantically look around the room when figures begin forming before my eyes. Everything is blurry and I can't tell if they are still here or taken by the darkness. A large figure appears right in front of my face. I scream and frantically back myself away from them. 

"No! Please! No!" I screech. I pull the blanket up in front of my face and squeeze my eyes shut. Another sob rakes through me and I wait for the chill that comes before the shadow. 

I feel the blanket being ripped away from my grasp. I scream out and cry and beg while flailing my arms in front of me. 

"Andi! Andi! Stop! It's me!" 

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now