Chapter twenty-five

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I wake up and open my eyes. I see Thomas looking at the mountain where we see light. "Guys wake up, light!" He says and everyone looks at that side. I turn my head only to see a storm.

"I think we may wanna run, there is an electric storm." I say freaking out a bit. Everyone jumps up and starts running. Newt takes my hand and pulls me with him. My asthma start attacking me and I fall breathlessly on the ground.

"Hunter!" Newt screams picking me up. We get to the building and he lays me on the floor. Minho gets hit by the lightning. "Minho!" Everyone screams.

He opens his eyes and we all let out a sigh in relief. "Are you ok?" Newt asks. I breathe deeply and nod. He helps me stand up and we get inside quickly.

"Thank you." I say leaning against the door. He smiles at me. All of a sudden cranks show up and try to attack us but their bonded to the walls.

"I see you've met our guard dogs? Come on follow me." A girl says. "Or you can stay here if you want." She adds winking. We decide to follow her, I walk behind but see something blinking. I wander off the group and pick it from the ground. It's a bracelet.

Maybe it's the girls' bracelet, in that case I need to return it. I turn around and don't see the others anymore. Shank! I start running through the place. No ones here, I hear someone talking and look around the corner to see my friends hang upside down from the ceiling and a man talking.

"You know I can sell you guys to WCKD, they will really pay much for test subjects." He says before walking away, luckily not close to me.

"Now where is Hunter?" Newt asks. I walk up to them and start laughing. "Where have you been?"

"Well I wandered off to pick up this bracelet and uh, I guess I'm happy I did." I reply putting the bracelet around my wrist.

"Are you gonna help us or just laugh?" Minho asks a little frustrated.

"Oh yeah." I say. They push Teresa my way and I hold her over the ground to untie the robes around her feet. We get up and help the others.

When everyone is free a man stands in the way pointing a gun to us. Newt stands in front of me. We hear a gunshot and the man falls down. "Come on!" The girl from earlier says. We look at each other but follow her.

"Come on, follow me and Brenda out of here." The man says while pulling robes and jumping out of the window. It's a zipline.

"You first luv." Newt says. I nod and jump right after Minho did. I get out of the way and Newt followed by Aris come through. Frypan and Teresa...

"Where are Thomas and Brenda?" Minho asks.

"Come on, they'll take another path." The man says. "Oh and I'm Jorge." We follow him not knowing what else to do. We escape the building that now falls down. Newt holds my hand and looks at me.

"You okay luv?" He asks worried looking for any wounds.

"Yes, how about you?" I ask back but he nods.

"Can you two stop flirting and get with us!" Jorge says annoyed.

"This is just the beginning, you must've seen them in the glade." Minho replies. We follow him but Newt and I hold hands.

"We need to get to Marcus, I bet Brenda and Thomas are there." Jorge says on our way. We walk through the streets of the broken city and climb over some trash. "It's late you may wanna sleep first for about three hours."

"Yeah good idea." Minho replies softly.

Newt pulls me close to him as we lay down on the ground. "So you two are a couple or something?" Jorge asks confused.

"Believe me, we didn't understand it either in the beginning. From all the boys in the glade that girl chooses Newt!" Frypan says jokingly.

"Well shut up guys! Maybe I chose him because you guys don't stop teasing me." I reply.

I fall asleep closely to Newt and start dreaming.

"No Gally I just think you should maybe be a little more nice." I say to him. He looks at me, we're alone in the forest.

"Nicer you say, I can do that." He replies placing his hand on my hip. I pull away put his grip is too strong. I cry out in pain when he turns my head to face his.

"Gally stop!" I scream.

"I thought I had to be nicer." He says teasingly. He starts kissing my neck while I still try to pull away.

His hand slips underneath my shirt and I start screaming louder until Minho comes to me. He pushes Gally to the ground and takes my hand. "What the hell Gally?!" Minho screams.

Gally lies unconscious on the ground. "Please don't tell Newt he will kill Gally." I say begging Minho.

"What?! You expect me not to tell someone this?! Hunter he sexually harassed you!" Minho says loudly.

"Yes I know, and thanks for saving me but I don't wanna worry Newt you know, please don't tell anybody." I ask.

"Fine, but if he ever does it again I swear!" Minho says. I nod and he takes me away.

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