Abandoned By Disney

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S/B= Siblin's Name (preferably younger), if you don't have one, make up a name.

How Not To Survive Abandoned By Disney

Yay! It was summer and your parents wanted to do something nice for you since you'd been locked up in your room all week.

"Y/N!" Your mother called.

Groaning, you crawled out of your cocoon of a blanket and stood up. "Yes?!"

"We have a surprise!" Your father responded.

Oh please, don't pop out another S/B. You thought, trudging down the steps of your house/bungalow/whatever tf you live in.

"Y/N, we...." Your mother and father smiled at each other.

Oh god...

"Going to Disneyland!" S/B cheered. Your eyes widened in shock. 

"Really?!" You squealed, jumping up and down like S/B. Your parents nodded.

"Which one?" You smiled eagerly, hoping it'd be Paris or Florida (unless you live in one of them ten vice versa)

"I'm not sure what it's called, but we'll show you!"

You loved surprises and jumped in the car without opening the door because you were that excited.

-Time Skip-

You woke up and looked around, your eyes widened, this was the place that was abandoned by Disney (see what I did there ;)

"Cool," you murmured, instead of being scared - which you were - you hopped out of your car.

"Honey could you get the tickets?" Mrs. L/N asked.

"Uh, sure," you shrugged, walked towards the abandoned by ticket guy. (See what I did there ;)

"Can I have-" You spoke but cut yourself off when no one was there, you looked back at your families car which was covered in blood but who cares, not you. Lol. You shrugged, more rides for you.

You walked into the abandoned adventure park and heard eerie giggling. It sounded like a pedophilic (I dunno if that's a word) Mickey Mouse.

Follow me, end up like me (Pretty Little Liars anyone?)

"Lol," you laughed, dumbest thing you've ever heard. You ate some green candyfloss which was weird because it wasn't flavoured as grape, watermelon or lime, more like expired strawberry.

Follow me, end up like me

You began following the giggle until you entered a building.

"Oh cool! It's Mickey!" You beamed at the Mickey Mouse costume on the floor.

"Wanna see my head come off?" A voice said. You raised an eyebrow. Did it just?

"Uh... sure?" You stuttered.

Daily Mail


How To Survive Abandoned By Disney

Yay! It was summer and your parents wanted to do something nice for you since you'd been locked up in your room all week.

"Y/N!" Your mother called.

Groaning, you crawled out of your cocoon of a blanket and stood up. "Yes?!"

"We have a surprise!" Your father responded.

Oh please, don't pop out another S/B. You thought, trudging down the steps of your house/bungalow/whatever tf you live in.

"Y/N, we...." Your mother and father smiled at each other.

Oh god... Please... Not another S/B...

"Going to Disneyland!" S/B cheered. Your eyes widened in shock. 

"Really?!" You squealed, jumping up and down like S/B. Your parents nodded.

"Which one?" You smiled eagerly, hoping it'd be Paris or Florida (unless you live in one of them ten vice versa)

"I'm not sure what it's called..." Your mother said, tapping her chin in thought.

Your mother wasn't stupid and she knew the names of pretty much every amusement park which could only mean one thing...

"Does it happen to look like this?" You ask, showing your parents a picture of ABD.

"Yes!" They beamed.

"Oh..." You bit your lip and fake sneezed. "I think I'm coming down with something." You coughed. "Don't let me disease you, go have fun without me." You sneezed all over them. "Actually, stay with me... I don't wanna die."

"Come on honey! Don't make excuses so you can stay home!" Your father said. You rolled your eyes.

-Time Skip-

"Honey, go get the tickets." Your mother said.

"Oh hell no!" You clicked your fingers, hopping out of the car. You trudged the other direction and hoped not to get eaten. "Mickey Mouse can kiss my ass."

You could do that, or set the place on fire and put Mickey out of his misery

Alternative Ending

You will need:

A costume, maybe a Hello Kitty suit or Bugs Bunny or something, it's your choice :)

A silly catchphrase like 'Wanna see my-" {Continue sentence in comments}

"Honey, go get the tickets," your mother smiled sweetly.

"I don't want too!" You pouted.

"Y/N," she said sternly.

"But mother!" You whined, eventually giving in to her selfish demands. "I'll teach you to fuck with Hello Kitty." You have no choice.

You changed into the Hello Kitty suit and smirked as your family car was covered with blood. You felt bad, but at least you'd live. You walked into the amusement park and layed down as you heard Mickey coming. You tucked your head into the costume and spoke, your voice muffled.

"Wanna see my _blank_ come off?"

Fill the blanks with random, inappropriate, funny or stupid words =D.

Sorry if this was inaccurate, I haven't actually read the story for ABD so... Yeah

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