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If you haven't noticed, I update this book every Sunday

How Not To Survive Sally

You were walking through the woods, alone, because whynaut. Your shoe laces got caught on some wood thing so you had the cut them off with some sissors. Besides the creepy child-like giggling, you were having 'fun'. Everything was perfectly normal and fine, besides the fact that you felt as if you wwere being watched. There were reports of some little girl killing people, but you're 'special' and have a way with children so you won't be harmed. (That sounded so wrong...)

"Excuse me," a cute-creepy-child voice called.

You spun around and saw a creepy little girl, she had long brown hair, emerald green eyes and wore a pink gown, but you ignroed the blood all over her. Smart right?

"Yes?" You spoke, dismissing the fact that she had a sharp object in her hand.

"I'm lost could you help me?" She had a murderous look in her eyes but smiled at you sweetly.

"Sure, what's your name?" You asked.

She looked so innocent and cute, the blood brought out the green in her eyes. "Sally."

"Well Sally, where are your parents?" You asked.

She shrugged. "But my uncle's in hell."

You stared at this devil-child, wide eyed. He was probably a bank robber or something and died...

"We-well how can I help you?"

"Let's play." She smirked evily. "Hide and go seek!"

You rolled your eyes. "No, I'm having fun and you're ruining it." You snapped.

She frowned and squinted. "I said let's play." She growled, yanking your arm. She was strong for her age.

"Ow! You brat!" You yelled. "Let go of me."

Her grip tightened and she dragged you closer to her. "You've got thirty seconds to run. If I find you... You die."

Your eyes widened, you rushed away, looking for somewhere to hide. This game literally made no sense, if she found you, you died, but that meant if she didn't find you, the game would last eternity, so it was a lose-lose situation. So it came down to three spaces, up in a tree where it'd be a bit easy for her to find if she looked up, a bush that barely had any leaves on it or a hole in a tree. You chose the bush because it could do with your fragrence.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Sally sang, skipping towards you as if she saw you hiding. She soon disappeared somewhere behind you.

"If I can't see her... She can't see me," you chanted.

"Found you."

How To Survive Sally

You walked through the woods, alone. You heard about Sally, but didn't think she'd harm you. Well you thought wrong amigo.

"Excuse me," a voice called from behind.

You winced and turned around, Sally stood there in a distance.

"I'm lost can you help me?" She asked sweetly, swinging her ugly ass teddy bear around.

You began to panick, "Hablo no ingles, como chicle, y tu, me llamo Y/N..." You began speaking terrible Spanish.

She frowned and stared at you confused. It was working.

"Como, bubble, poop, ice cream, lollipop, unicorn, Spanish, Nirvana, YouTube, Sally, horse, pony, sheep, idiot, llama, Creepypasta, Mary Sue, Gary Stu..." You began blurting out random things. {Name random things you'd do to confuse people in the comments}

She stared at you confused, "Um bye... Weirdo," she muttered, walking away. You let out a sigh of relief and continued on your journey to Narnia.


Sorry it was short, I didn't know what to do, I might edit it later. No promises...

Anyways please leave a suggestion in the comments for the next chapter.

List 10 or more things you'd say to confuse someone.

Mine: I'm your dad's uncle's cousin's sister's mother's aunt's daughter's sister's cousin's god sister's mother's pet's dad's cousin's grandmother's mother's sister's grandfather's sister.

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