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Okay! Don't kill me! -Dodges egg- Woah, I missed that and it was like by a hair! -Dodges another egg- Okay, I get it, sorry. I'm sorry I haven't updated, it's because I leave all my homework 'til the last minute and I need to do it because I'm NOT getting detention because I'm an angel ^.^ (sometimes) and I really like my humanities teacher, yes Miss T, this is a shout out to you even though you're probably not reading this... 

This chapter may be long so...

Enjoy it while you can =D

How Not To Survive Slenderman

"Stupid 8th page," you mutter under your breath. You were playing The Slenderman game and you couldn't get the last page because well, Slender wouldn't let you. You turned the game off and stood up and walked to your bed. Your head began hurting so it took you long to fall asleep, but you eventually did.

You woke up in the morning and your room was empty. You were on the floor. You blinked again and everything was in your room. What? From the corner of your eye, you saw a tall figure, you turned your heard and saw nothing. You shrugged it off, even though you knew that was a sign of being Slenderman's next victim, and walked towards the door, which was locked. You jaggered the knob - does that even make sense? - and it was still locked. You sighed and sat back down on your bed. Your door began to open which didn't seem you alarm you because your not gonna survi-

Well you weren't exactly curious, more... hungray - yes hungray.

You walked out of your room and it was quiet.

"Mom? Dad?" You slowly walk down the hall. "I'm hungry... I want food... Please?"

No answer.

"Dammit," You mumbled. You walked down the stairs - if you don't have stairs then you just walked.

You entered the kitchen and made your food. You went into the living room and turned on the TV. Your parents were probably out. It turned to the news and your hands were sticky so you couldn't change it.

"Two twelve year old girls stabbed their classmate to become 'Proxies' of 'The Slenderman'," the news ancor said. (This really happened) You laughed to yourself.

"They know that shiz ain't real," you chuckle. You wipe your hands on your couch (Or is that just me?) and you put your plate on the table in front of you. (Yeah it's probably just me)

Your TV starts going all staticy and crazy. You turned it off but it became louder. You groaned and pulled out the plug and it finally stopped. You decide to go to the park.

You inhaled the warm polluted air as different sorts of gases that could result in LUNG CANCER, filled your lungs. You smiled to yourself and walked towards the park. You sit on the swing and swing as high as you can which obviously failed at becau- no insulting. Anyways, the park was empty and it was getting dark but who cares? 'Cause your parents have disappeared without leaving a note or call and there seems to be no one who can stop you so YOU RUN THE WORLD! Yay...

You see something or someone in the distance, you feel colder and it seems to be getting darker... Ooo, spookay. You thought maybe this person wanted to be friends -Pfft- so you began to walk up to them, even though they're 9ft tall, faceless and probably want to kill you. But hey, no catch right?

"I there, I'm Y/N, what's yours?" You walk towards the 'thing'.  Your eyes widened when you realized how tall this dude was, you blinked and he was gone. "It was probably just my imagination." You say. Some wild imagination you have.


"What?" You raise an eyebrow looking around, no one's there. "Mom?" Ain't no momma now is there.


This eerie voice drives you crazy. You blast your favourite song on your phone and the staticy sounds and weird voice dies down. You enter your house and turn to shut the door when you see something in the corner of your eye. It looks like. No. You turn around, nothing. You shrug it off until something grabs your waist. You shriek but something else slithers across your lips.

You soon find yourself in the woods. In front of you, is the eighth page.

"YES!" You cheer. You snatch it off the tree and gasp when you see Slenderman in front of you.


"Don't kill me please," you winced. He laughs darkly and picks you up by your feet. You groan. "Let me go!" You're now 10ft in the air.

"Of course," he chuckles, you sigh with relief and feel yourself falling.


How To Survive Slenderman


"C'mon!" You groan as Slenderman pops up on your screen indicating that you lost the game. Lol.

Your head began hurting but instead of ignoring it, you did the smart thing and went to get some headache cure thingy. You took it with water and went to sleep.

You woke up from the corner of your eye, you saw a tall black figure, you knew about the Slenderman thing so you called your parents.

"Hello?" Your mom speaks into the phone.

"Hey mom! Where are you?" You ask.

"At work, why?"

"No reason..." You lied before saying bye and hanging up. You decide to run downstairs and watch TV. The news comes on and the ancor says that two girls stabbed their friends to become Slendermans Proxy.

Hmmm... Not a bad idea... You thought. So you ran into your kitchen, grabbed a knife/machete/gun or whatever you have in your fridge. You heard a static and your head began pounding but you just continued to run outside. You headed towards your friends house mumbling "Please make me a proxy..."

You knock on the door and her mom answers... Great.

"Oh hello Y/N! F/N is in her room," Mrs. F/L/N (Friends last name) smiles, stepping aside so you can murder- I mean go in...

She eyes the knife and purses her lips. "Y/N, dear, what's that for?"

"Curiosity Killed The Cat," You grinned before stabbing her several times. Blood oozed out of her like jam from a doughnut (Am I the only one who hates Jam doughnuts, I prefer chocolate sprinkled ones or chocolate covered ones with cream inside...) 

F/N's dad rushed in and saw the scene, you heard a slight static and knew Slenderman was getting closer. So you'd do this quickly.

"DIE!" You yelled before throwing the knife, it landed in his eye. You prayed it'd kill him and it did because he... Uh... He has this thing... And this thing is a disease that if a knife that's thrown by you enters is eye then he'll die...

You took the knife (the eye still on it) and ran upstairs. You barged into your friends room and stabbed him/her, you heard the static come closer but it came to an abrut stop.

"PUT YO' HANDS UP!" A voice yelled from outside. (Busted). The downstairs door burst open and you heard yells. Footsteps ran up the stairs and your friends room door opened and fell off it's hinges. The cops stood there, staring at you disgusted.

"Y/N L/N! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" A cop yelled.

"What?" You frowned. "No I'm not! Slenderman shall rescure me!"

"Oh god not this again," they mumbled. (Looks like someone didn't watch the ending of the news... The girl got arrested)

You woke up and you were in jail. Hmm. Orange kinda makes you look like a buffalo but hay, look at the upside, your not dead :)

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