u and me - bokuaka

22 1 0

grammatical errors ahead, read at your own risk.

" Stars shining bright, the moon's watching them, people chatting in the background, it was a peaceful night "

" Bokuto-san " akaashi said with a calming voice

" Akaashi? " the owl answered then tilt his head, curious on what akaashi's going to say

" I love you so much "

" I love you too Akaashi, it was nice being around you, really.. i love it when you took care of me.. "

" i wish you were here.. beside me.. "

" BUT I AM HERE.. AKAASHI.. CAN'T YOU SEE ME?? " bokuto cried, as he tries to make akaashi notice him

" I wish i can be with you, i want to be with you.. " akaashi sobbed, he can't take it anymore, he knew that he can't bring back the time where he can save bokuto, where he can cherish his time with, where he can make more memories with him.

" BOKUTO-SAN!! " bokuto's teammates screamed, but they're too late..

the truck crashed into bokuto, making everyone shock from what just happened.

" I'm sorry bokuto-san.. i really am "

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