Chapter Ten

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I couldn't believe the stunt Cole and Brynlee pulled last night. The audacity Cole had to accuse my brother of forcing himself onto Brynlee and then he even pretended like he would never do such a terrible thing. I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth before he left, "I would have never done that to you, I thought we were best friends." Best friends my ass. Cole raped me, therefore he did 'do that' to Carlos. He made himself out to be the victim in front of everybody. Don't even get me started with Brynlee. How could she have accused my brother of trying to sleep with her? For years Carlos rejected her so it didn't make any sense if he just tried to force himself on her. If he did try to sleep with her, she would have let him because she's wanted him for so long. How did things get so messy? I thought I was the only one messed up in this household.

I woke up fairly early for myself so that I could leave and go over to Indiana's house. I snuck out the front door and managed to not be spotted by anyone. I really just did not want to talk about last night again, it made me sick to my stomach. I almost stood up to Cole, "You're one to talk," I should have kept going. I could have left everything out in the open and I wouldn't be hiding this secret anymore.

Once I got to Indiana's house I rapidly knocked on her door until she finally answered. I walked in right past her and went straight to her room. Indiana didn't question me, she just had a look of confusion but proceeded to follow me anyway.

"Okay, are you going to tell me why you just barged into my house and made your way to my room without even a simple hello? It's ten in the morning Luna! I needed one more hour. I was in a serious food coma last night and I needed to recover," she flopped down on her bed.

"The Evan's joined us for dinner last night as usual, but no Grace so that was very weird," I scrunched my nose because I still didn't believe the excuse Carlos gave us.

"How are you?" She jolted back up as a concerned friend would.

"Well I actually didn't have a panic attack," I smiled because I was very proud of myself, "but he did try to seduce me again and I almost had one," I frowned.

"What did you do?" she questioned me, worried written all over her face.

"I slammed my door on him and decided to change my outfit," I bit my lip because I knew I should have stood my ground but I just wasn't comfortable with the way he stared at me.

"Well, that's still progress so that's good and all that matters," Indiana laid back down on her bed.

"But that wasn't the most eventful thing that happened," I sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Mhm, what happened," she sounded like she was drifting off into sleep again but I knew what I was about to say next would wake her up completely.

"Brynlee accused Carlos of trying to have sex with her and now her parents are planning to take us to court," I spat out.

Indiana jolted up once again and her mouth was open, "what!" She shouted, "you're joking! There's just no way that's true," her face was in pure shock as I expected.

"I don't even know what exactly happened but when I came down the stair I heard Cole yelling at Carlos and then I saw him swing at him so I ran down and stood in front of Carlos," Cole could have easily punched me too but that thought didn't cross my mind, I was just worried about my brother who was bleeding on the floor because his best friend punched him.

"So what happened?" Indiana scooted closer to me and sounded very invested in the story.

"Carlos told us last night once they left how he was going into his room to make a quick call to Grace but when he turned the lights on, Brynlee was half-naked and laying on his bed waiting for him. He said he immediately closed his eyes and told her to put her clothes back so she could leave. She got up and tried to take his shirt off and that's when he pushed her off and apparently said some real harsh things to get her to leave. I mean, this wasn't the first time Brynlee tried to grab Carlos' attention so I guess he wanted to just finally let her know that it was never going to happen," I told her.

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