Chapter 14

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Sorry for the long no update. Things are getting a little stressed over here. But enough of that have fun reading!

Today Santana was coming home again with Brittany.

When they got into the house it was strangely dark and not a single person to be seen.

Which is even more strange because Brittany knew for sure that her mom was babysitting Isabella today at home.

She look next to her with questioning eyes and seeing the same look but then on Santana's face.

''Uhm babe, didn't you say that Iz and your mom were supposed to be home?''

Brittany looked at her girlfriend and then back to the room thinking the same thing.

''Yeah I thought they would be but maybe not.''

The two girls simply thought that the others may have gone away but it got really strange when Santana wanted to turn on the light but the light switch was stuck.

''Strange, the light switch doesn't want to switch''

Why it was funny, no clue but the girls started giggling at the sentence.

Then out of nowhere the room was lit up by the tv that started a video.

It actually made the girls startle but once the voice of Susan was heard they were curious to what was going on.

Together they sat on the couch and watched the screen play.

Hi there sweethearts!

Bet you weren't excepting this were you?

So I will explain a bit. A few days ago Brittany had a echo again which sadly enough Santana you couldn't make and this time they could see the gender of the baby.

Santana remembered this day. She went to everything with Brittany but exactly that day she had something that she had to do. She still felt a bit bad but continued watching the video after Brittany took her hand and gave it a lovely squeeze.

And I also know that Brittany wanted to throw a surprise party for Santana with the gender reveal but you didn't look yet and gave the envelope to me and Thomas. Now Brittany, sweetheart I know you wanted to surprise Santana by the gender but I think it would be way more fun if you would found out together.

So here with me are the Lopez's

On the screen they could see all the parents squeezing together on the camera and Thomas bringing out the envelope.

But before it continued playing it was some sort of frozen.

Brittany looked around confused and squinted her eyes to see Santana holding the remote. She was the one pausing the video and she was sniffling? Wait what now?

''San, babe, are you crying? What's up? Don't you want to now the gender?''

Brittany was quick to side hug her girlfriend which Santana happily returned loving the warmness and comfort of her girlfriend.

''Britt you were going to throw me a surprise party? Why?''

She was in a awe with her girlfriend. Brittany had so much on her plate right now and what was something that was in her head. Throwing her a surprise.

''Hehe yeah I did San. You have been so great for me and for Iz and there is no way I can repay it all back. So I wanted to surprise you but what my mom said was true I also wanted to find out the gender with you but I guessed that is now some sort of fixed'' she laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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