Chapter 4

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She tried to look up and was met with a bunch of long raven hair and that's the last thing she remembers before her body gave out and went black.

Brittany tried to open her eyes but was met with a very bright light. A few seconds later she tried again and let her eyes adjust to the lights. Once her eyes were used to the light she turned her head to find two pair of eyes looking at her. One pair was from Rachel she knew that but the other pair she didn't know but they did seem familiar. So, she looked at the girls face and saw a concerned look. Wait a girl she doesn't know looks concerned? She looked away and then back again and then it hit her. Oh, my unicorns eating cotton candy it's the hot girl from the store! ''Well hello there'' the Latina said looking down at the blonde. ''We got to stop meeting each other with you falling huh'' the Latina laughed. And that comment made Brittany blush and mumbled a small 'yeah'. ''Yeah I mean first the store and now at school I would say you are falling for me'' the Latina said and Brittany was sure even her ears turned red. ''THAT'S IT! That is where I know you from you were talking to Santana at the store'' Rachel yelled. Brittany winced a little bit at the loudness in Rachels voice something Santana picked up on. ''Hey Rach why don't you get your sheet music so we can go?'' the Latina said wanting some alone time with the blonde and with that sentence Rachel raced out the door making the Latina laugh she never leaves without her sheet music. When Rachel was gone Brittany replayed the conversation in her head and without knowing she mumbled: Santana........ ''What is it?'' Santana said while she looked up since she heard her name. If Brittany wasn't a tomato before she sure was now. ''I.....I......uhm.. well I wanted to uhm know your name and now I have it I guess'' Brittany stuttered. ''don't worry Brittany it's okay'' Santana said when emphasizing her name. Brittany looked up bewildered ''How do you know my name?'' she asked Santana. Santana laughed and said: ''Rachel and I had a study session yesterday evening and she told me that she had shown a new girl around which she does a lot but this one seemed familiar to her. So, I asked her if I could see a picture but she said she didn't have one but she then she remembered she had your phone number so I looked at it and asked your name. She told me your name and asked if I knew you but I said no because sometimes Rachel can go crazy but I knew it was by your blue eyes and that pretty little sister of yours'' Santana finished the story. Brittany opened her mouth to speak to tell Santana that Isabella wasn't her little sister but her daughter she doesn't know why but she doesn't feel like she can't trust Santana but as soon as she wants to start Rachel came back storming in. ''Got them!'' she cheered while holding the music sheets up. ''Gosh turn it down a notch girl. But good let's go Britt how did you get to school?'' Brittany blushed at the nickname Santana just gave her and told the Latina she came here by car. ''Okay, Rachel rode with me so Rach? You take my car and follow us I'm going to drive Britt in her car'' the Latina told Rachel her plan to which she nodded. ''Santana you really don't have to do that I can drive myself'' Brittany tried to reason. ''No not a chance Britt I'm driving you so get your butt up'' Latina held her hand out for Brittany to take and the whole way to the garage she didn't let go and it send tingles between the both girls. Brittany got in the passenger seat of her car while Santana got in the drivers seat.

Brittany was still feeling a bit dizzy but she didn't know if it was from the fall (which she should ask Santana about) or if it was because Santana from all the people is seated next to her and driving her home. ''How are you feeling now'' Santana asked Brittany after Brittany explained how to drive to her house with Rachel following. ''I'm feeling better thank you can I ask what happened exactly? Brittany asked realizing she didn't even know what happened. ''Of course, well I was walking towards you guys to meet each other but when I came closer I saw u stumbling backwards and you fell. The nurse in the office said that you fainted of a low blood pressure. Any reason of you fainting?'' Santana asked the blonde. ''Uhm, I don't know for sure but I think I got a good idea. I had a terrible night and didn't sleep a lot and then this morning I overslept and haven't been eating since then.'' Brittany answered thinking back of the possible reason of her fainting. ''I guess that makes sense. Here have a bit of chocolate it will help your blood pressure go back up. Santana said while handing Brittany a few pieces of chocolate. Brittany answered with a small thank you and started nibbling on the chocolate. ''Well here we are'' Santana said while getting out the car and getting her backpack from the backseat with Brittany following behind her. ''Thank you Santana for bringing me home'' Brittany said while waiting for Santana ''you are welcome Britt take care of yourself and start eating better.''

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