Chapter 9

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''Hey San''

''Britt omg you are awake'' and without knowing tears started to streams down her face she has been waiting for this moment for 4 weeks. ''I.....I..... nee.....need to know'' ''Brittany honey you shouldn't talk to much yet'' Susan offered Brittany some water with a straw which Brittany gladly took but she still needed to know. ''Did.....did you for iz?'' ''Britt you shouldn't talk to much we can talk later'' Santana pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and gave a kiss on the forehead.

She didn't want Brittany to overdue anything she needed rest but Brittany had other ideas. ''Britt honey we are going to go eat something downstairs and you know what?'' And once she saw that she had Brittany's full attention she said ''Santana took amazing care of Isabella we don't know what we would have done without her'' and with that they left with smiles and Santana with a blush. Brittany looked over and whispered a thank you and a yawn. ''It's okay Britt. Go to sleep I will be here when you wake up I promise'' Brittany nodded and fell back into sleep and Santana sat down in the chair beside the bed.

''You know she wanted to sleep al lot earlier but stayed awake until you came'' the words startled Santana but when she registered them they made her happy. ''Thomas and I are going to go home for a while if that is okay we will be back later though.'' ''Yeah of course and if it is alright with you I am going to stay here'' ''Of course that's okay dear'' and with that the two adults left and Santana looking back at the two blondes cuddled into each other.

Apparently Santana also fell asleep because she was woken up by a sound she knew all to good from the past weeks. ''Mommy?'' Santana looked up and saw the younger girl poking her mom. Santana knew Brittany needed rest so she carefully made her presence now and cleared her throat. It worked because the little girl looked her way and her little eyes light up. ''Sannyy'' ''Hey there sweetheart had a good nap with your mommy?'' The girl happily nodded being a lot more happy now that her mommy is awake. ''Yeah well let's let your mommy sleep and will change you hmm?'' She reached out and without struggling against her the little girl was placed on her hip. She walked out and changed the girl and brought her back to her mommy. She laid her down on her spot again and quietly put on the tv so would kind of lay still which she gladly did.

A few weeks later

It's been a few weeks since Brittany got out of the hospital and those weeks have been rough for everyone. Brittany wasn't Brittany anymore. The girl barely got out of her room or did anything really. She ate and slept and did the necessary thing to Isabella like feeding her and cleaning her but other then that she just sat by her window looking out into the world not saying a word.

Santana stops by every day and tried talking to Brittany but most of the time she ended up with nothing and went to Isabella who was so used to her being around 24/7 that she clung to her. Part of that was also because Santana was giving her the attention her mom wasn't. Bath time was their time but even sometimes those times weren't there anymore. And no more singing.

It broke everyone to see her like this. Quinn tried talking on the phone with her but just like Santana didn't get much out of her. Rachel came by once but didn't get anything out of her and her parents they were just lost. They didn't know what to do anymore.

Brittany was just lost. For the second time they used her and her body like she was some sort of toy. All for their fun and that all while her daughter was watching and she wasn't doing anything. She should've fought not just cry it made her feel stupid. She didn't deserve it. Not Santana nor her daughter she didn't stick up for them what is the use then......

''You know Britt honey I think you need to get out of your room'' and Susan quickly got the answer she knew a head shake. She was going in for another approach it was a hard one but maybe that is kinda what Brittany needed now. ''yeah I think you should and I think you should go to Santana's house. I will invite the adults over and you can choose if you want to take Izzy with you but just so you spend some time together'' another head shake. ''Honey, listen to me I know you are struggling but that girl as been taken care of your daughter 24/7 for 4 weeks and she sometimes even does now she should at least get something back.'' Brittany knew she felt very guilty but didn't show emotions just like she has the last weeks so she just nodded she will go. ''Okay good I will bring you with the car and take the adults back. Are you going to take Izzy?'' Another nod ''Okay be ready in 10'' another nod.

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