Chapter 8

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Everyone has does nights you call the worst nights of your life right? Well for Santana that was definitely last night. She couldn't sleep every time she tried to close her eyes she saw Brittany in that alley again. But to make it worse Isabella kept waking up every half hour crying or having a nightmare and all she wanted was her mom. So that is the reason that they were sitting at the dining table at 5:30 in the morning with Isabella on Santana's lap sleeping. This morning Santana wanted to get out of bed by herself but Isabella woke up and clung to her so she brought her along with a blanket.

Not much later Thomas also came in looking as tired as the two girls. ''Had any sleep?'' He knew that both the girls were also having it hard. ''I haven't. Izzy slept a little bit but woke up almost every half hour asking for her mommy. Did you get any sleep?'' ''Yeah I think Iz will have a hard time from birth on she was never without Brittany in the night or longer then a day for that but she seems more relaxed with you. Brittany also told me what happened at the aquarium and that she stayed a bit calmer with you and it's good to see.'' And Thomas really was happy to see that. Brittany was like his daughter and knew that Brittany thought of him as a dad so in a way he was Isabella's grandpa and it was good to see that the little girl had a comfort in someone else. ''Thank you so much that means a lot to me when Britt told me about what happened and her story I couldn't believe what I heard and I wanted Britt to feel like she could trust me and I mean who could also not love this little girl she is a lot like Britt'' Thomas had to smile at that he could see the honesty in Santana's eyes. Isabella turned a bit and started to wake up ''mommy?'' Santana's heart broke every time she heard the little girl cry out for Brittany and Thomas must have noticed and he kneeled down in front of the girl. ''Mommy is still sleeping somewhere else how about I give you a bath and change you so we can visit her?'' Thomas was just as broken but he knew he had to be strong for the little girl. The girl was still kind of sleepy so didn't really notice much so Thomas took her off Santana's lap and took her upstairs. Santana went to grab a cup of much needed coffee that Thomas set and went to sit down again. She felt empty yet still her head was spinning but was quickly cut off by a little cry upstairs calling out for Brittany and for her.

She waited for a few moments but the crying didn't stop so she went to the bedroom and peaked in. In the room was Isabella whose bottom was naked but dirty and a Thomas who was trying to clean the girl but she wasn't having any of it. Thomas looked so tired and lost that Santana went in to help him out. ''I'll do it. Maybe you could grab a new cup of coffee and take a nap before we go?'' She knew that the situation around Brittany was stressful and having a little one next to it made it probably 4 times more stressful for the family so Santana wanted to do everything she could to help the family out. And with the thank you that Thomas just left out she knew she made the right choice. Seeing Santana's face calmed the girl a bit down at least enough to let Santana clean her bottom. Then Santana picked her up and carried her to the bathtub which Thomas already filled. She looked around and saw a plastic bag and rubber band and I little note from Brittany's mom to Brittany explaining Brittany a bit how to do it which Santana was very grateful for right now. She gave the girl a bath and cleaned her she then changed the girl in a diaper and some comfy clothes and got herself changed in some of Brittany's since she didn't have something with her. It went well for 15 minutes and then Isabella started crying again and then Santana remembered that the girl still breastfeeds so she must be hungry. Thomas must have understood as well because when she walked downstairs Thomas was already handing her a heated bottle to give to Isabella. Santana walked over to the couch and sat down and fed the girl some milk which was appreciated by her. She stroked softly over the girl face something Brittany explained to her and began to sing:

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

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