Chapter 1

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And there she was looking for the last time in the room that was her bedroom for her whole life.

Let me give you a little background story.

So, it all started 3 years ago when Brittany was walking home from school and she got attacked by a group of boys. When she got home after the attack it turned out to be a lot of bruising, a dislocated shoulder but most of all shock at least that is what she thought. After the attack Brittany still was not feeling good and after one and a half weeks, she visited the doctors. After a couple of tests, they found out that Brittany became pregnant from one of the boys. After a long and good talk with her parents and a lot of thinking Brittany decided to keep the baby. So, after nine months of a lot of weird food cravings, mood swings and her belly growing little Isabella Pierce came to the world with the brightest blue eyes looking into her moms.

So that explains a little bit about her life but let me explain why she is moving (with Isabella of course)

So, a year after Isabella was born Brittany's parents told her that they were going to divorce. It broke Brittany's heart after hearing but ended up living with her dad (well sort of). Brittany had a way better bond with her mom then with her dad. But her dad was a head surgeon and her mom was a cleaner so her dad made a lot more money and lived in a bigger house. If Brittany would have moved with her mom (like she would have loved) she would have a single bedroom that was supposed to be her bedroom, Isabella's bedroom, and Isabella's playroom. This was not a problem for Brittany, but she wanted what was best for her daughter. And besides ger dad was almost never home so most of the time she would be home alone with her daughter. About a year and a half after the divorce Brittany's mom (Susan Pierce) found a new boyfriend (Thomas Woods) who she really liked. Brittany also really liked the guy he made her mom happy, her daughter seemed to like him (at how far a two-year-old could) and he felt more like a father then her biological dad ever did.
So, on one day Brittany and Isabella were invited to dinner at her mom's house because she had important news. That was the evening Susan told Brittany that Thomas asked her to move in with him and that she said yes. Brittany was shocked because Thomas lived in another country and that meant soon her mom would live in another country. After dinner with her mom Brittany did not know what to do, she had a million questions in her head like who was going to take care of Isabella when she was at school or at the stables? But the question were soon answered when Thomas stood in her kitchen asking her if she wanted to move with them. She could even have her horse stabled by his house if she wanted.
(Brittany had Blackstar for a long while. Brittany loves color and yet a horse was this all black horse with a white bless on his face shaped like a heart and the most beautiful long black manes. Blackstar used to be stables at her own house here as well but as soon as Isabella was born, she did not have time for it that much anymore. So, she decided to move him to the stables in the area so they could take care of him and give him the time that he need. Of course, with every time that Brittany could spare while Isabella was with her mom or she left school early she would at least visit him 4 times a week to so whatever she could with him with the time that she had. This is also were she met her best friend Quinn Fabray who owned Chance a beautiful all white horse. Quinn and she went to the same school and even the same classes but never spoke until they met at the stables and they instantly clicked)

So, with her horse being able to move along and enough room for her and Isabella she agreed with it without having to think long about it. Brittany never really had a special connection to this town even though it is where her daughter was born. But it still did not feel right and with the opportunity to live with her mom again she started her new adventure and that is were she is now.

So, Brittany stood there with a sleeping Isabella in her arms. She was looking in her room until she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned around. She was met by the smile of her best friend. Her car and her mom's car had already been shipped to the new house so without a discussion Quinn was taking them to the airport even though it was 12 pm at night. ''You alright?'' asked Quinn to her best friend. ''Yeah it just that a lot has happened in this town good and bad'' Brittany answered. ''Yeah I know but you and Izzy are going to have an amazing time over there'' Quinn reassured her best friend. ''Yeah I know I'm going to miss you Q'' Brittany sad with a sad face. ''I'm going to miss you too B but we're going to skype a lot alright and we can't let Izzy forget about her favorite Auntie Q'' Quinn said while ruffling her fingers through the little sleeping blonde long locks. ''Common we got to go we don't want you to miss your flight'' Quinn said. And with that said Brittany gave her best friend a hug, picked up her bag, took a last glance through the room and closed the door. She got to the car threw her last bag in, buckled Isabella in her car seat and she took her seat next to Quinn and with one last look at the house they drove away.

2 hours later they arrived at the airport and it was time to say goodbye to Quinn. '' Goodbye Mrs. P take care and have a good flight'' Quinn said to Susan. '' Goodbye dear take care and drive safely'' Susan said while she gave a hug to Quinn. ''You can always visit us whenever you want and thank you for driving us'' '' Of course Mrs. P and I will remember that'' Quinn answered. The two adults went inside to give the best friends a bit of privacy. Brittany hugged Quinn tight and said: ''Take care, I love you and we will skype'' ''Of course B we will talk every day and I love you both too'' Quinn said while she kissed the top of Isabella's head that was sleeping on Brittany's shoulder. With one last hug and goodbye Brittany joined her parents her inside and gave a last wave. They checked everything in and were now seated in the plane to their new lives. 

Hi guys! This is my first fanfiction and I couldn't get this story out of my head and I hope you guys enjoy! If you wanna see special things or have ideas and tips they are all welcome! 

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