Refugee District

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Snake Eyes POV

We're in a van driving to a radio tower and listening in to the Chief's conversation. When it finishes he lets us know.

Daisuke: You heard him Major.

Motoko: That doesn't tell us much more than the intel that we dug up ourselves. It looks like the local police riot squad is controlling the scene though. They're not just keeping out refugee trouble makers, but also the GSDA's mechanized units that are here to resolve the situation. Seems like they think they're the only ones risking their lives to maintain control over the refugee district. 

Batou: Pathetic, what's the world coming to?

Motoko: Right now we're having Togusa and Ishikawa take a look at the house of the pilot who supposedly died mid-flight. But what do you want the rest of us to do chief? We're almost at the district.

Daisuke: Get as near as you can to the scene and stand by for now. We until the Prime Minister decides if this situation falls under our jurisdiction. 

Motoko: Roger.

As told we make it as close as we can and see the situation from afar.

Motoko: What kind of refueling capacity does that chopper have?

Batou: If those tankers haven't changed from the old specs, they have enough to keep a car going for 6 years, or keep a gas eater going for 10 hours straight. But since it's dimming the fuel out of those other birds, I'd give a 60 minute flight time for each of them.

Motoko: I imagine that these helicopters are gonna start falling out of the sky within an hour. hat do you think the chances are of that Tanker crashing first? 

Batou: Zero, that hanamaguri is gonna come down last, because with every refueling it becomes lighter and lighter which means it's flight time gets longer. 

Tachikoma: Mister Batou, I have a question. Those ones up there are A.Is the same as us right?

Batou: Huh? The way I see it they always assumed a human pilot was gonna be on board. Their only function is A.I support. 

Tachikoma: Evebn so they're un-maned now. Which means they're thinking and flying on their own right?

Tachikoma 2: Maybe they couldn't tolerate the conditions they were on while on strike!

Tachikoma 3: Working conditions aren't bad in the military right? I swear A.Is jump off the deep end in a snap! 

Tachikoma: If they stop flying and go this way, are we gonna have to fight them if we're ordered to?

Batou: Yep, that's how it works. 

Tachikoma 2: Since they're anti-tank helicopters I guess that makes them natural enemies huh..

The rest just sigh. And make a joke about having a stomach ache, then a boom is heard.

Motoko: Looks like the GSDA got in too close. They must have tried to dive the support A.Is and botch the job. 

I'm still sitting on the floor of the roof with my legs crossed and my head down. Until the Chief comes up.

Motoko: Chief? What's going on? Why did you personally come out to the scene? Does this mean the Prime Minister still keeps you on a short rope?

Then some guy with half a messed up face steps forward.

Daisuke: Major I'll explain the reason I came. this here is a gentleman from the Cabinet Intelligence Service. I'll get straight to the point. As if right now full on scene command authority is hereby transferred to Section 9 for the purpose of resolving this situation. However I want you and the team to follow mister Goda's instructions without question. Including you Snake Eyes. Is that clear?

I still keep facing down not bothering to look up at him.

Batou: Old man are you serious? I'm pretty sure none of us stuck up to Section 9 so we can become obedient government lapdogs. I can tell Snake Eyes isn't liking this idea.

Goda: According to our calculations, approximately 48 minutes from now the first helicopter will crash into the refugee district. Once that happens there will be no turning back. Then what? It's clearly terrorism. What will you do about it?

Motoko: Okay we'll hear you out. What's your big plan? Though I can't promise the same for him.

She then gestures to me, and I perk my head up.

Goda: I'm so glad you see things my way. 

Then the next thing we know we're heading out towards the scene. And we're talking on our coms.

Batou: Major, even if we give this guy the benefit of the doubt and believe everything he says, why did you agree to this? 

Motoko: Let's assume for a moment that the pilot's death and the support A.I weren't terrorist  attacks. Either way, if those things come crashing down they're gonna cause a certain amount of damage to the area. If that happens it might become a worst case scenario and reduce the Refugee situation to a powder one. Besides without his information we wouldn't have anby cards to play. 

Batou: I understand that but my point is, we gotta know where we stand on-- ugh forget it. Where's Snake Eyes by the way.

Motoko: We didn't have enough Tachikoma so he's doing it his own way.

Batou: What is he running on roofs or something.

Motoko: No, he's much closer than you think.

Right now I'm holding onto the bottom of one of the Tachikoma. As they engage their cloak and climb up the radio tower. 

Motoko: Alright, Here we go!

The Tachikoma jump and I jump and use my built in flight suit to get over their vision and land on one of them, then I get rid of my flight suit.

Batou: Is that him on one of them? He really is fearless.

Motoko: Stay on it Snake Eyes and do what you can!

I take out my hand gun and start shooting at the a armor that coats the helicopter. But then someone "webs" it still when I stab my sword in the armor, it's a Tachikoma who's trying to give Saito a good shot. But it sees the Tachikoma and fires heavily damaging it revealing Motoko. So she holds onto it. I hurry up and weaken the armor for Saito to get a shot. And he does, he killed the pilot and the A.I takes over. I jump off the Helicopter and onto the building Motoko is on, and help her up.

Motoko: It accepted command's order to return huh? 

Then she turns to me.

Motoko: You held on pretty tight there Snake. Good job.

I nod to her in response and watch the rest go.

Then when that's done we meet the Agent on the ground. 

Goda: I'm glad our predictions proved correct. I concluded that if the cyber brain of the pilot were cut off. The A.I would accept the code from Control. Fortunately my decision was correct. And I am pleased that my decision to come to you for this situation was also correct. Thanks to Section 9, the Self Defense officials don't have to bare the disgrace of killing one of their own.

Batou: So what are you saying? Having Saito do the dirty work for them makes it fine you're not bothered at all?

I put my arm in front of him, telling him to cut it out. Then that guy just got in his car and it drives away. Then the Major and Chief go full on conspiracy on if this was actually terrorism or just an accident, then they turn to me.

Daisuke: Something on your mind Snake Eyes?

I nod and non-verbally communicate with them.

Snake Eyes: "I think he knew more than he was letting on about."

I then watch as the mechanized units drive into the district, and I could tell this is where it all started to go into the gray area.

Silent But Deadly (Snake Eyes x Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG)Where stories live. Discover now