The Day That Wasn't pt2

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Hello! Hi ! I'm back and I'm making this and in my mind while I was in the shower I was like what if the day that wasn't like kept going and it happens that the world doesn't end in that timeline? I know that doesn't make since but it's Just a little thought and I thought I'd give this to you .

And if you haven't read my two books of the Klaus x reader books you should I don't think that some of these will be good to read cause spoilers like this one! Both books are done so I'd recommend reading those and then coming back here.



Y/n Hargreeves Has Committed Suicide.

" Y- Y/n !" Diego runs to his sister's dead body he picks her up " Please... Please wake up ..." he shakes her body but there was no use she was already gone . " Diego , are you oka-" " She's dead . " Diego says in a raspy tone to Allison " What ." Allison says " Y/n. She committed suicide ." Diego said harshly

" H-How ?" " Overdose the fucking orange bottle explains it all ." Diego picks up the drug bottle and angrily throws it he slowly gets up with is sister in his arm and gently puts her on the bed and looks at her on the bed he looks at Allison to see that tears are falling from her eyes " W-Where's K-Klaus?" Allison stuttered out she walks up to Diego and the bed " He's in the attic tied up so he can see his lover boy ." Diego says

" You two okay?" Allison and Diego looks over at the door to see Luther " Why are you looking at Y/n sleeping and while crying ." He questioned. Diego picked up the letter and Handed it to Allison " She left a note?" Allison says Diego nods she opens it and reads it Luther comes behind her and reads is also " She killed herself?!" Luther exclaimed Diego nods they finished reading it " Did you read it?" " No " " Do you want to ?" " N- .... Not right now .... I don't think I'll be able to handle it ." Diego stuttered

" We need to get Vanya and Klaus ." Luther says " Poor Klaus ..." Allison says " Poor fucking all of us you two need to act like you care that our sister is dead ." Diego says " W-What we do car- " " You sure are ain't acting like it ." Diego says " Someone needs to call Vanya and I'll get Klaus ." Diego says he walks up bumping his shoulder into Luthers and walks to the attic to see Klaus is on the floor laughing

" Hey , it's Diego! " Klaus says happily but then his smile drops " You okay ? You seem rather sad ." Klaus says he glances to Dave who was looking between the two " It's Y/n ..." Diego says Klaus eyes widened " Did her wounds open is she okay?!" Klaus talked with a panic in his voice Diego walk over to Klaus and lifts his chair back up " N- No but-" " Thank god ." Klaus sighs in relief

" B-But something else did happen ..." Diego says slowly " What is it ?" Klaus questions Diego swallows " Y/n's dead , Klaus . She killed herself ." Diego says sadly Klaus's eyes widened and tears instantly silently fall out his eyes " I'm sorry dude I kno- " " Untie me ." Klaus says quietly " What-" " I said untie me ." Klaus says louder Diego unties Klaus and he gets up " Where is she ." Klaus says

" Her room I put her on her bed." Diego says Klaus walks down the stairs and walks towards Y/n's room but he stops before going in he looks around to see if he can see her ghost but she was no where to be seen he slowly walks in her room he looks at the bed to see her on the bed her skin was paler than normal and you could tell she wasn't breathing Klaus walks towards the bed his lip quivers and he falls to his knees and begins to start crying loudly he grabs on to her cold hand and squeezes it

" Y-Y/n ..... " Klaus cry's out " Klaus ." He looks over to see Vanya " I came as quick as I can I - I hate that this happened.." Vanya cried she walks over to Klaus and gets on her knees she opens her arms Klaus raps his arms around Vanya and cry's into her Vanya cry's also hating that so many bad things have happened today . " Allison told me that Y/n left a note ." Vanya yells Klaus " She did? " Klaus questioned Vanya nods she lets go of Klaus and pulls out the note in her pocket and hands it to him

" I already read it so take as much time as you want ." Vanya says she gets up and looks at Y/n's body and kisses her forehead and walks out the room...


One week later ...

The end of the world didn't happen and it has been one week since Y/n's death everyone spent these days this last week grieving over there sisters death and wondering where Five was since the end of the world didn't happen they were able to get her coffin and they plan to bury her next to Ben but they weren't sure if they wanted to give her a statue but Klaus insisted they should cause Y/n deserves a beautiful statue and she also deserves a beautiful coffin .

Today was the funeral for Y/n it wasn't a rainy day it was a rather beautiful sunny day and it was warm it was a perfect day to have fun with family but the Hargreeves family spent it crying eventually the funeral ended Klaus walk over to the gazebo just like the day Ben died and sits down " What ya doin'" Klaus looks up and to see Diego he walks over to Klaus and sits next to him " It's my fault .." Klaus whispered

" What? " " It's my fault that she died if I was just a better brother, a better best friend she wouldn't have killed herself ." Klaus says " Dude , hey look it's not your fault it wasn't no ones fault don't feed yourself that cause if you do you are gonna end up like her depressed and sad every single day and eating your will to live away until you decide to end it one day . I don't think any of us would have helped her she told me that she has been depressed her whole life but I know when she was with you all her worries went away . Yeah, your not the greatest brother but you were an great brother to her and a amazing best friend." Diego says

" She said she loved me she had feelings for me and I was too stupid to see it I made her feel pain" Klaus says " It's okay I wouldn't have known either and just because she had a crush on you doesn't mean why she killed herself " Diego says " If you want to talk to me I'm up for it i listened to Y/n and I'll listen to you ." Diego finished he pats Klaus's shoulder and walks away Klaus closes his eyes " I'm sorry, Klaus ." Klaus opens his eyes to see Y/n sitting in front of him with a frown on her face " I regret doing it but I can't take it back ..." She said sadly she stands up Klaus runs to her and hugs her " I'm sorry ." She cry's " I love you , Y/n ." Klaus cry's " I love you too.." Y/n whispers they let go of each other " I'll be here when you need me you can just call me if I'm not with you cause I don't think I'm going into the light anytime soon ." She says Klaus nods " I don't know if you'll be able to see me when your not sober but if you don't just know I'm with you ." She says " I'm sorry, Klaus " Y/n said for a third time " I'm sorry too , Y/n ."


Total word count:1368

This completely contradicts what I said in the first book but what ever 😍
-✋🏻☂️ Author🐦✋🏻

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