Don't Worry

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~Season 2~

     You sighed deeply as you walked around the farm owned by the Greene's.  You wondered how this place can be so peaceful, besides the constant arguing of Shane and Rick. You stood in place looking up and the night sky, admiring the shining stars and the bright moon. You heard grass crunching under someones feet as they approached. You turned to see who it was and saw it was Daryl Dixon, the redneck you fancied for quite sometime. He had just returned with Glenn for the man hunt of Randle,  the prisoner who some how escaped his make shift prison cell.

     "Hey Daryl." You smiled at him, he gave you a nodded.

     "Hey." He replied. "Whatcha lookin' at (Name)?"

     "Just the night sky, admiring how peaceful things seem to be. Did you two ever figure out what happened with Randle?"

     "Well..." He paused for a second before crossing his arms. "Look, Glenn and I haven't told anybody 'bout what happened but since we're considered "friends" I'll tell you." You turned to face him and you both leaned close to each other. "Glenn and I found Randle out in the woods."

     "Is that why Shane and Rick haven't come back? Are they dealing with him?"

     "No, we found Randle. Dead. His neck was snapped. He was a Walker but funny thing is, he wasn't bit."

    "Wait he wasn't bit? Then how?" Your (eye color) eyes stared at Daryl in disbelief. He nodded and scoffed.

     "I'm thinkin' Shane is up to something.  I  don' know what but he is up to something."

     "Well hearing that, I think so too. I mean his story doesn't match up with what happened-" A gun shot rang through, interrupting your sentence. "Hmm? Did they execute him?" Both you and Daryl stared off into the distance.  You felt his calloused hand hold onto your upper arm. "I think I see someone walking this way." And to your horror, a huge heard of Walkers were making their way to the once peaceful farm.

     "Shit!" Daryl yelled as he pulled you towards Hershel's house. Everybody ran out of the house with guns, quedtioning Daryl and you.

     "There was a gunshot what happened?" Andrea asked looking around until she saw the giant herd. "Crap we gotta go!"

     "We have to kill them all! It's our farm!" Maggie yelled while she picked up a shotgun and began loading it.

     "Maggie..." Glenn was shocked when he saw her hold the weapon

     "What, when you live on a farm you learn a few things..."

     "Guys we gotta hold out and take out as many as we can. We'll use the cars to lead them away, that should give you girls enough time to pack up enough supplies and get outta here." T-Dog ordered and everyone nodded. You looked at Daryl, scared, not wanting him to leave you.

     "Don't worry (Name). We'll either finish of these fuckers on the farm or meet up somewhere else." He let go of your arm and went to his motorcycle. "Help Lori and Carol get everthi g and leave!" He jumped on his bike and road towards the Biters with his crossbow at the ready.

     "Come on (Name), Lori can't find Carl." Carol spoke gently while pulling you inside the house. You take a look back and see Hershel shooting at the Walkers.

     "This is my farm, I'm dying on it!" You heard him yell as you went into the house. You saw Beth and Patricia running around looking for supplies, Lori with her hands on her head looking for her son, a nd Carol trying to calm her down and reassure her he is fine.

     "Look! The barn is on fire! Rick might of set that to lure them walkers away!" Beth said with some hope in her eyes. You looked to Lori and tried to help her.

     "Carl could be with Rick Lori. If he is, he is safe. But right now you gotta worry 'bout getting supplies and finding him after this shit." She nodded at your words and began looking for supplies with Carol. You brushed away your (hair color) hair from your face as you loaded a pistol with ammo. You put the gun in your holster and grabbed your machete.

     "C'mon (Name) it's time to leave!" You heard Patricia yell and you ran towards them. Beth, Lori, Carol, Patricia, and you all left the house and began making your way to the red and white vehicle.

     "Hershel! C'mon lets go! Hershel!" Lori screamed for the old man to join them but he didn't budge from where he stood. Carol grabbed Lori and began taking her to the vehicle they plan to use. As the five of you left, two zombies appeared out of no where.  They attaked and bit into her with their infectious bite. Beth screamed as she watched her sister scream and crumble to the ground. You and Lori managed to pull her away from her sister and to the vehicle.

     "(Name)! Carol is over there and surrounded!  Go help her!" You nodded, readied your gun and headed towards Carol. You had shot three walkers down that surrounded her, giving her the chance to run towards Lori. You saw T-Dog and Andrea pull up and help them. As you were about to go run and join them around twelve walkers blocked your path from getting to safety. You knew you only had so much ammo left and if you knew you weren't gonna make it, well... you'd like to save a bullet for yourself. But you still had some hope left that Daryl would come and save you.

     You began to slow down your running, becoming weaker with every swing of your machete, your breath was ragged but you kept going. If Daryl did save you, you'd plan on telling your feelings for him.

(With Daryl. Third Person)

     The redneck sat on his bike watching the barn burn down in flames with a small smile on his face. He heard a vehicle turn and saw it was Lori and the girls. He was about to follow them when they stopped. Carol popped her head out the window.

     "Daryl! Go get (Name)! She is still back there hurry!" She shrieked as T-Dog began driving away and Daryl immediately headed towards were they came from. He wasn't one to show much emotion besides anger and sometimes happiness but this time he was in full worry about his dear friend (Name). Although she wasn't really a friend to him, she was more than a friend to him. She understood him, helped him when he found out Merel was left to die. He loved the girl and he wasn't ready to lose her. Not after losing Sophia.

     He heard loud coughing and saw his (Name). He smiled in relief as he saw her still alive and breathing.

     "(Name)!" He called to her. She perked up and started running towards him with a huge smile of relief. "Hurry up and get on! I ain't got all day." He felt the (hair color) wrap her arms around him tightly and nuzzle her face into his back. He quickly drove off into the woods just in time. He sighed in relief as things were starting to quiet down now and he slowed down his speed a bit

     "Daryl...I...I was so scared." She told him in sniffles. "I thought I was going to die."

     "Don't worry sunshine.  I'll always protect ya. Always." He spoke gently.


    "What is it girly?"

     "I love you. I'm really glad you save me because if you didn't... I wouldn't be able to tell you this or see your handsome face."  She weakly laughed. Daryls face got hot, even with the cold wind blowing against his face. He stopped his motorcycle and stood up, making (Name) stand up with a confused look.

     In what seemed like the speed a light, Daryl grabbed the (eye color) eyed girls soft face gently and kissed her. He quickly released from the kiss and stared into her eyes.

     "Ah, I've been waitin' to hear those words from ya. I love ya too (Name)" He kissed her once more before hopping back on his bike, notioning for his new girlfriend to join him.

      "I'm so happy." She smiled and sat down, wrapping her arms around him once more and rested her head on his back.

     "I'm gonna take us to where we left Sophia them supplies." He began riding off once more. "Don't worry (Name), I'll protect you."

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