A 'Normal' Day

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning in the KDA house with nothing weird happening at all from the outside of the house on the inside... well..

Kai'sa: look at each other..

Ahri and Evelynn look at each other

Kai'sa: Now Apologize to each other

Ahri: I'm sorry for bitting you..

Evelynn: well.. I'm sorry for pulling your tail

Kai'sa: there and now hug and make up!

Kai'sa says with a big smile and the two look at her and then each other and then hug

Kai'sa: wait a sec.. Where's Akali and Y/n

Lemons ahead

Akali and Y/n are in the garage in Y/ns car except both are completely naked and Akali is on her back while Y/n is fucking her in the back seat while she has her tongue out moaning from the pleasure of his hard member then he pulls out with a moan and releases on her stomach the two start panting and share a kiss..

Back in the living room
Kai'sa Pov

Me: probably both play a game or something..

She then walks to the kitchen and starts looking for something to make while Eve and Ahri are watching TV then a door opens from the garage and walks in Akali and Y/n both with messy hair except  Y/n Is trying to fix his hair

Evelynn: And where have you been for the past hour

Ahri: And why do you look so sweaty and tired

Akali: uh.. we were.. uh

He puts a hand on Akali's shoulder

Y/n: Me and Akali went to the shop and a bunch of fans jumped us so we ran away which is why we're sweaty

Ahri: oh ok :3

Ahri goes back to watching tv Evelynn does too but gives them a questioning glare but goes back to watching TV as well

Akali: I'm going to take a shower

She leaves but while she does she sways her hips and I see Y/n glance at her

Y/n: Well I should too I'll be Back

He also leaves so I quickly grab some eggs and toast to make breakfast but I mumble under my breath

Me: lucky..

Y/n's pov

I walked up to my room opened and move to the bathroom for a shower but while I take off my clothes I see some of the scratch marks on my back from Akali and I little fun it was actually normal for one of the girls to drag me to a quiet place to do the 'deed' more so with Evelynn and Akali while Ahri and Kai'sa don't ask vary often so it's mostly the other two I need to worry about but I do enjoy it though so.. I should probably take a shower now

Time skip

I finish my shower and I put on some clean clothes and walk back downstairs to see the rest of the girls are eating and talking so I sit down with them and eat as well I see Kai'sa giving me a 'look' but I kinda ignore it but I feel something touch my lower area I look to see Kai'sa staring at me with lust in her her eyes while she bites a piece of toast I look down to see her using her foot to rub my area from under the table but I get slightly erect from this but I let it slide So I can finish my breakfast.. And once I finish the dancer herself is pulling my arm to her my office until a certain diva questions what we're doing

Evelynn: where you two going?

Kai'sa: oh I was going to show him some of the new choreography I have written out for the next music video

Evelynn: ok then don't take to long

Kai'sa: no promises~

And with that she drags me to my office where she proceeds to push me in and lock the door

Y/n: So choreography huh

I say as I sit on my desk

Kai'sa: yup.. like this~

Kai'sa then walk with big Skips then moving to sit on my lap and puts both her hands on my shoulders

Kai'sa: how's that~

Y/n: I like it.. My favorite is this part~

I put my hand right on her ass and  I'm giving it a nice firm squeeze

Kai'sa: I-i do too~

She bites her bottom lip and starts to grind on me and it looks like the fun is about to start

To be continued...

A/n: so first time writing a Harem story with lemons and the story is going to be some one-shot stuff but hay I'm trying new things..

So hay I hope you enjoyed I know I did and I'll see you later

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