Two Shots Twice The Fun

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Y/n's Pov

A beautiful sunset as Y/n looks off you see the day fade to night he looks at his watch and sees it's 7:22pm so he turns around and walks to their living area to relax before he heads to bed so he takes a deep breath..

Me: ah it's nice to have calm nights like this all.. to myself with nothing crazy or stupid happening

You immediately start looking around seeing if anything's going to interrupt your peace and quiet

Me: huh guess I actually get to have a calm night-

The front door is kicked open from Akali with Evelynn, Ahri and Kai'sa behind her

Me: I just had to open my big mouth didn't I..

Ahri: did we get everything

Kai'sa: I do believe we did

Evelynn: well then now-

Akali: Now We're Gonna Get Fucked Up!!

Evelynn: Basically yeah

Ahri: Y/n are you going to join us

Me: no thanks I'm not really in the mood for drinking

Kai'sa: but I'll be fun!

Akali: Yeah we're going to drink until we don't remember tonight

Me: well they can your not..

Akali: WHAT! Why Not!

Me: Akali your underage you can't drink that stuff

Akali: but I'm old enough

Me: you turned 20 like 6 months your not drinking and that's final

Akali: you can't stop me!

They stare at each other then.. cuts to Y/n holding Akali on his shoulder as she flails her arms around trying to escape

Akali: Y/n! This is stupid put me down now!

Me: hm let me think about that for a second..

He moves over and pours himself a cup of Jack Daniels then drinks it slowly..

Me: How About No

Akali: Guys Alittle Help!

The other three just sit there drinking watching the whole thing

Ahri: nah it's vary entertaining and I'm busy drinking

Kai'sa: I can't I'm busy legally drinking this lovely Rum here

Evelynn: I don't have a reason I just don't want to

She takes a sip of her red wine once he says that

Akali: You Guys Suck!

Me: you know what Akali if you can give me at least 5 good reasons why I should let you drink then I'll let you go

He takes drink of his whiskey and Pours another for himself

Akali: Because I want to Be included, it'll be a new experience, I won't bother you about it, I'll clean my room like you said and I won't drink to much

Me: Well.. shit alright but I'm picking what you drink And this is probably a bad idea but I'm probably drunk right now so I don't care..

He puts her down and he pours her a small rock glass of Gin then hands it to her which she drinks

Me: happy now

Akali: yes! thank you

He looks at the other girls who are laughing and drinking which I look at my glass

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