The Newbie (kinda short)

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Y/n's pov

I was walking down the hallway looking through papers for our new member she seems good and a fan of K/da from her cover of Pop/Stars and now me and Ahri have a meeting with her so I get to my meeting room to see Ahri maybe strange faces in the mirror of the office so I question her

Me: what are you doing ?

Ahri: Ah! Uh Um drugs!

Me: Wait what!?

Ahri: I'm doing nothing!

Me: your making faces to look more serious during the meeting aren't you..

Ahri: No I'm not!

Me: Anyway did you get my text

Ahri: yup got everything ready and she'll be here in like 30 minutes

Me: So now we look professional and wait for her-

Ahri: But That's Boring!

Me: How old are you again

Ahri: Meetings are boring and I'm 25

Me: first, your acting like a 5 year old

Ahri: Hay!

Me: second, You never really go to meetings unless I need you there

Ahri: true but they're still boring

Me: How much longer did you say we have to wait

Ahri: um like 30 minutes, why

Me: Well this whole conversation has lasted a whole 26 minutes.. your welcome

Ahri: Yay!

We waited for a couple minutes until we heard knock from the door and it opens a girl with pink hair walks in

???: Um I'm here for the interview

Me: yes welcome

Ahri: Hello there what's your name

Sera: my name is seraphine

Me: Well it's a pleasure to meet you seraphine

Ahri: that's a nice name but can I call you sera

Sera: sure!

Me: So sera.. You're one of the many people who were selected to be interviewed for joining the group


Okay so by the time I'm writing this I've been gone for months and just realized I hit a hundred followers I'd like to say thank you and sorry for everyone who followed me expecting to see a lot of writing 😅 But I'm not the most consistent with scheduling But I'll try to write more in the neer future with my stores

Sera: well I've been a fan for awhile now and your group actually you're the one to inspire me to sing and play more openly which is why I'm very happy I was selected for the position

Mean are you looking each other then back at her then back to each other and do a group huddle and whisper to each other

Ahri: I like her she's really nice

Me: Yeah I know I already planned on hiring her I just wanted your opinion

Ahri: Wow thanks for including me

Me: You're very welcome

We will quickly turn back to her and I reach into my desk and grab some papers and a pen and slide it to her

Me: My decisions was already made when you popped up in my files and now is hers, All you need you to do is sign here and you'll be an official member of Kda

She got quiet and stared at us for a couple seconds

Ahri: I think you broke her-

She immediately jumped out of her chair screaming in enjoy jumping around the room before she stopped and sign the papers Then looked at us with joy in her eyes

Me: She looks like Akali

Ahri: Does this mean we have two of them

Me: officially now we do yes

Ahri: Well I told that she's not over in every way.. If you get what I'm saying

Me: yeah.. me too

The three of us talk for a little longer before she leaves and Ahri lays on my desk

Me: What are you doing

Ahri: wanna do it




I pick Ahri up and take her to her room where some x-rated stuff happens

I'm too tired from packing to write this scene sorry about that..

After they finish they will talk more about the new member and also tell the others about her and that She'll staying with them, And the rest of the day goes on as normal with a few random questions here and there But nothing out of the ordinary as the sunsets on the day and night rises I lay there outside watching the sunset ready for the new day that will come

So yeah I finally updated the story It's been months since I updated any stories but I am trying to write more with what free time I have while also packing for a trip I'm doing So free time to write is kind of hard but I'll try to do more writing and give you guys more content especially since now there's a hundred of you following me now

But hey look at the bright side I'm writing in this story and have a couple drafts for all my stories including The story I discontinued for the second time now and plan to end it at the second time

But hey as always I hope to see you again Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time Later

Why you still here keep reading all those stories of mine

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