Old Habits

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Ahri's Pov

was on my laptop writing lyrics and also seeing the suggestion of new members from Y/n some are mostly good but some are just.. well kinda boring so.. I quickly switch the tab to a fanfic about me and Y/n because there were some steamy parts I like to read I and continue to read it but I forget about the time and haven't realized that the time says it's 12:27 pm and it gets harder to keep my eyes open and I fall asleep on my small desk

Y/n pov

I was going to Ahri's room to give her one of the new sign ups for being the new member then I opened the door to see her asleep

Me: god she needs to fix her sleep schedule or get more sleep

I look at her laptop to expecting there to be work but I see- Us She Reading Fan Fiction ?! Whatever I'll make fun of her later for it lets get her to sleep I close her laptop and pick her up and carry her to her bed

Ahri: Y/n..

She says in a tired way as she rubs her eye

Me: you should sleep

Ahri: what no.. no I'm fine I was just alittle tired

Me: Ahri how much sleep have you been getting

Ahri looks away slightly ashamed of herself

Me: You're still doing the same shit you were doing when we were in highschool!

Me: Ahri you need to take care of yourself better you need sleep!

Ahri: but I also need to finish working on next song and finding the new member

Me: And you won't be able to perform if you pass out on set or worse on stage

She curls up and holds her knees and starts tearing up

Damn it maybe I should lightened up on her she's trying to help me

Y/n: look I understand you want to help but you don't have to do everything on your own.. ok

I kneel down to her level and wipe away some of the tears on her eyes

Ahri: Y/n..

Me: Yeah..

Ahri: remember my 16th birthday

Me: oh yeah that was fun

Ahri: yeah remember you gift to me

Me: I remember kissing you

Ahri: yup..

I was about to say something but I was cut off by a soft pair of lips crashing on to mine we melt into it before we part

Me: I also remember you trying to kiss me alot after that

Ahri: old habits die hard I guess

Me: well.. I should let you sleep now

I Got up to go but she pulled my shirt so I look at her

Ahri: please stay..

I look at her and remember the day I left how I broke our promise to be there for each other I thought how much I must have hurt her and Even after that she still wants me to stay how could I say no..

Me: always

I lay down with her and she lays on my chest and we both talk about highschool

Ahri: Y/n 사랑해

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