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Soobin again skipped his classes today. It's afternoon, he didn't know if his parents were calling him or not because he broke his phone yesterday. He didn't care about that at all.

The boy rest his back on the headboard of his bed, his half body covered with blanket. His eyes gazed at nothing in front of him. It looked empty, like his body was lifeless.

His left hand laid on his blanket, while his right hand rested on his lap. He hadn't eat since yesterday, but he had no appetite.

Knock knock knock!


Someone knocked his bedroom door, again, for countless times since yesterday. It must be ahjumma, the boy thought.

Soobin stayed shut his mouth, didn't even want to answer the call from the door.

"I know you hear me, Soobin-ssi."

Still, he didn't budge. His eyes gazed the door lazily.

"I don't know what happened to you, but please, you have to eat something. You haven't eat since yesterday."

He closed his eyes. He felt dizzy slightly, his left stomach was hurt a bit. He rested his head to the back, to the headboard.

Why should I eat? Maybe I could die by this, he thought while still closing his eyes.

"And your parents been asking about you since last night."

His eyes shoot up hearing his parents was mentioned by the maid. He still didn't open his mouth.

"They're asking if you're fine since they couldn't reach you through phone."

They're asking me? Huh, no fucking way, that's impossible, Soobin thought while scoffing now, didn't believe of what the maid said earlier outside.

He finally opened his mouth, answering the maid, "tell them I'm fine. My phone was broken yesterday," he said a little bit louder. He felt his throat slightly in pain, must be because he didn't drink anything either.

"I'll tell them, and...come downstairs please, eat something, okay?"

Soobin stayed silent again, didn't answer that. It looked like the maid gave up, he heard a footstep walking away from his door. Finally!

The boy zoned out again, sighed at nothing. He just felt tired as fuck, his energy was drained for no reason. Maybe his negative thoughts made him feel like that.

He couldn't help but thinking about everything right now. The bullies he got from campus, his oh-so-cared parents, and the grim reaper.

The grim reaper...maybe Soobin was thinking about him more than anything stated above. Since yesterday when Yeonjun left him alone in the bathroom taking his pocket knife, he didn't appeared in front of him again.

Why? He said he would appeared if I thought about him much, now what? He doesn't appear even how much I think about him!

He scoffed to the thin air, looking pissed and mad. Then he laughed, mocking himself.

Maybe he lied, he just wanted to make me feel close to him, make me feel what he felt and then die like him.

He started to think everything in a negative way. It made him feel a pang on his heart, then his eyes glistened with tear, his laugh stopped, changed to a soft sob and falling tears.

What's his reason saying that he cared and loved me? I know he lied, I know he wants me to suicide...why?!

His hands covered his face, but the tears was still streaming hard down.

But what if he didn't lie? What if he really cares about me? What if he really...loves me? Is that possible? Is that real? What do I feel now exactly? I'm confused!

Soobin was mad, he was disappointed to himself. But he didn't know why, he didn't know what made him feel like that. He was feeling guilty, because of his own behavior and words towards Yeonjun last night. He felt sick, he felt lonely,

then he realized, he needed to see him, he needed to see Yeonjun.

But his mind came to his sense again, it's been almost 24 hours he couldn't see the grim reaper again. He grabbed his hair tightly, screamed in pain and angrily. He wanted to punch himself but too weak to just swing his hands.

Soobin scoffed, with tears still came down his face, "Yeonjun, will you really not appear in front of me again? You said you were watching me 24/7, you said you had to look after me until I did suicide, guide me to the afterlife," his eyes wandered around his bedroom, looking for a sillouethe of the grim reaper, "are you really a grim reaper, my grim reaper? I'm starting to doubt that," he said with a tired laugh.

Without the boy knowing, Yeonjun was staying outside at the balcony, his body was hiding behind the window which covered with a curtain. His left eye and ear was peeking but Soobin's eyes was too tired to focus on every detail around him, so the boy didn't realize that Yeonjun was still watching him since he left.

"Stupid grim reaper," Soobin swore, "how could he said he cared and loved me..."

Yeonjun laughed a little hearing that, then answered that just to himself.

"I don't know either why I said that."

"then left me in the bathroom alone in a bad state?"

"I'm sorry, I just feel hurt so I left you alone."

"He was dumber than me."

For a countless times, Yeonjun smiled and laughed sadly, "yeah, I think realizing that I care and love you makes me dumber than you."

Yeonjun's confusion about his decision for the boy now had an answer, his care and love to the boy that developing since they talked with each other a few weeks ago made him decide everything the best for the boy, by sacrificing his mission.

The grim reaper wouldn't deny that again, he knew that his feeling was right, he knew he loves Soobin. He didn't intend to tell the boy about his feeling, he didn't want to ruin his sacrifice by telling that to Soobin. But last night's incident made him blurted out, just to make him stop selfharming himself again.

Now Yeonjun just needed some time, he had ten days left, and he intended to appear in front of him again just a day before his limitation time.

"Dumb Yeonjun, dumb grim reaper, he's so dumb," Soobin had been saying that reapetedly. He punched weakly his pillow, with puffy cheeks and red eyes, his lips pouted indicating that he was mad. But it looked cute on Yeonjun's eyes.

"I don't need friends, I don't need my parents, I just need you here now, I need you here..."

Soobin's hand stopped punching, he bowed his head down, crying again softly.

This made Yeonjun wanted to hug him so bad, but he held himself from doing that. He stayed on his place.

"I need you, Yeonjun...I care for you too..."

And with that surprising confession and heartbreaking view, Yeonjun suppressed himself so hard to appear in front of the boy again, turning his head and body looking at the sky.

"Please, don't make my sacrafice useless..."


Huffff, hard enough to write this one again, taking too long to write this ㅠㅠ
Let's go into the real plot~ it's fun but hard to write since the plot was made from the beginning, this is what I thought when I made the draft! Finally~
Hope you all like this chap >•<

As always, stay healthy stay safe and ily <3

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