Chapter 1

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Mary gently shook me awake, starting to prepare me for the day. I told Maxon that I wasn't feeling well, so he had stayed in his bed last night, but that wasn't quite the whole truth. I had lots of planning to do, and I stayed up all night doing so. Technically, I just found out about my pregnancy, so he doesn't quite know what I've been planning for the past week. The only three people who do know other than me, are my maid, Mary, and my best friends, Marlee and Georgia. I have refrained from telling anybody else because nobody else can quite keep a secret from my husband. I'm planning to tell my family at dinner tonight; we are celebrating Maxon's birthday, and I can't think of a better present for him.

I was hoping that I would be pregnant before his birthday, so it could be his present. He was concerned that we wouldn't be able to have children because of the difficulty his mother had, and I just wanted to prove that he was doubting us for no reason at all.

Sooner or later my dresses will seem to be getting smaller, so I might as well tell my maids now. I sat up, more tired than I should have been. I rubbed at my eyes, and Mary started searching for a nice day dress. She chose a pale blue dress that was very simple, but not too understated.

Before I got dressed, I asked all of my maids to sit for a moment. After they were all settled, I took a deep breath and said, "I'm not quite sure how to say this, so it's just going to come out.... I'm pregnant!"

Everyone burst out with excitement. They all started chatting about finally having a new prince or princess in the palace as they stood to help dress me.

I walked into the dining hall hoping that Maxon was already in there waiting for me, and as always, he was. I walked over to the table, and he stood. "Good morning, my darling, did you sleep well?" Maxon asked as he kissed my hand.

"I slept well, thank you, I hope you're ready for a surprise I've been planning. For your birthday," I said with a grin.

"I am as always, ready for any turn our lives take us on," Maxon smiled back.

We ate in silence for a minute before a butler came in with a note for Maxon.

He quickly read the note, looking disappointed. "What's wrong?" I asked him with concern.

"I apologize, my darling, I am needed in my study immediately. There has been an outbreak of violence in a nearby province," he replied solemnly.

"Oh," I sighed, "Well, I guess your country needs you more than I do at the moment."

"I need to go, I love you," Maxon said as he stood and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you, too."

Later that day, Kenna, Astra, and May came to have lunch with me in the Women's Room. "It's kind of weird to think that I am now the queen of Illèa. I mean, two years ago we were celebrating my birthday with a tiny cake and one candle, and this year, it was a grand celebration with a multi-tiered cake and too many people to count," I told May and Kenna.

"It's very weird actually," May said.

"I've been waiting to tell you, but I don't want to wait any longer..." I trailed off, teasing my sisters.

"What? What have you been meaning to tell us?" May pressed.

"I'm pregnant!" I said with a grin, "Don't tell Maxon, I've been saving this for his party."

"Our lips are sealed!" May said excitedly.

"How long have you known?" Kenna asked, intrigued.

"Only two weeks, it was really hard to keep this from you two, by the way; I need to check to see if all of tonight's preparations are finished, so I need to go, but I'll see you at dinner, I love you two."

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