the Odissey ending...

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Seriously, I think I shouldn't even being talking about this...

I mean, Shigeru Miyamoto said this before and he was clear: "If Peach and Mario get married, it would be the end of the franchise"

If you're hating Peach just because this ending exist, I don't know what to think anymore...

This ending is comically created to make us remember that fact; they are not gonna be husband and wife... Sadly but true... However you can still ship them


Peach rejected Mario and Bowser because she was tired of this dramatic situation and she wanted to go home to see her friends again; that's completely normal if you ask me, she has been saved A FEW MOMENTS AGO, and they're like "oh my, I don't care about what happened recently, marry me"...

It's not like Peach was angry with Mario either; she understood he was just jealous, and that's why she said "let's go home" to Mario in that ending, knowing Mario could easily reach the ship because he was in the moon after all.

And also, she didn't say no to Bowser probably because she felt if she says no Bowser would kidnap her again (something you can see in her face expressions at the moment, clearly), and she doesn't want that to happen when she's recently saved... That's why at the end she rejected both, Mario and Bowser, but remember, Mario is officially her boyfriend, so there's no need to worry about this anyway...

This ending was created with that purpose; to play with the emotions of the fans who wanted Mario and Peach to get married, but they were clear before, so why is this a surprise? I think it was obvious...

We want more mario games, don't we all? Then Mario and Peach can't get married if we want that; and it makes sense, why would the franchise continue if Mario already got what he wanted? Look, The point of the franchise is to save Peach from Bowser and if Peach and Mario get married, Bowser would be depressed forever and he would never try to kidnap her again...

This ending doesn't make Peach a bad person, it's just an ending comically created like that to give that vibe of "sorry, but your dream is not gonna be a reality"

At the end, Peach loves Mario with her soul, Mario loves her too, and they both hate Bowser, everything is perfect just like in the past... So, clearly hating Peach for the existence of this ending doesn't make sense at all... At least, that's my opinion...

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