Prologue: Introduction.

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The moon is out, and it's highest point. Every other building has their lights off, everyone is sleeping, everything that is alive, is now in a deep state of sleep.

Like I said, every building's lights are off, except for one small building, inside are various old, but beautiful watches. Further inside is a man with a sleeveless coat, folded long sleeves, slacks, a pair of glasses with a magnifier and formal shoes. All his focus were put into three watches with some music playing the background.

(Almost everything in this book is not made by me, or mine, but the story is mine.)

As soon as the song hand ended. The man moved three pocketwaches to the side, and set his glasses aside, and slammed his head on the table and laid down there. He then rose up and took the three watches.

 He then rose up and took the three watches

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This is Y/N Watchmann. And these watches are his latest works, and also his oldest. He started making these three pocketwatches since he was 19. And now, he is 26 years old. It took him 7 years, to make these three watches, which he named...

Y/N: "Finally, I finished making you three, Diana, Christina, and Mary. I just hope you three don't fall apart."

He then took all three of the watches and put two of them on a table. He took Diana (Middle) and set the watch on a stand and attached it to three chains which will keep it in place. Then he opened a drawer and took out a Revolver. It's called: "The Watchmann's Webley."

He aimed, and fired

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He aimed, and fired. The bullet ricocheted. He did this until the last one. He opened his eyes to see... Diana, had survived, the harshest revolver, in the world. Y/N, was far from happy, he still had concern about Christina (Left) and Mary (Right). He took Christina and did the same. Set it up the stand and chained it. He closed his eyes, aimed and shot 6 times. He opened them to see Christina, the watch, still intact. No scratches, nor dents. Just like Diana. At this point, his hopes were high. He then took Mary and did the same. He set it up and shot 6 times. And what happened made him fall down to his knees. Mary, was unharmed. He took the three pocket watches. A single tear fell down his cheeks. As the watches he has been working on for 7 years finally finished. Tears of joy was falling down his cheeks.

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