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As soon as we reached the place he brought me he opened a big door. It was like a small restaurant.

"So? What are we going to eat?" I laughed.

"We're not there yet. Just come."

We walked trough the restaurant. It was very small but it smelled really good. I haven't had something to eat in days. But I didn't care. I wanted to know what he was bringing me to.
We walked past all the tables were people were sat. They all looked at me like they wanted to kill me or something, they looked angry and I don't know why.  I decided to just ignore it and when we reached a closed he stopped walking. The boy I had just met let go off my hand en looked at me when he pushed a button.

"Watch out." He says as the walls come closer and the closet turns into some sort of elevator. And when I tell you that scared the shit out off me. I jumped a little and grabbed the wall. He just laughed at me.

"What the hell is happening? Why is it going down?"

"Just relax, we will be there soon."
I just ignored the fact that what just happened made no sense. He didn't talk to me as we went down. The doors opened and we entered a room. Weapons hanging on the wall and a chair in the middle of the room. Nothing else. It was really empty

"Take a seat love" He looked at me and smiled. I sat down on the chair waiting for something. I didn't know what. Suddenly a man walked in.

"She's new and just like us sir" Mattheo said. I didn't know what he meant. Just like them? Who is them? Where am I? All those questions were about to be answered.

"What happened to you?" He said as he looked at the scar above my eye.

"Nothing I want to talk about" I didn't like to talk about my past. I just wanted to forget everything.

"Hmm, understandable. I'm Mister Jackson."
He didn't say his first name, only his last. 

"I'm rachelle smith. Where exactly am I?"

"Youre in my school" school? What fucking school? Why did he bring me here? Mattheo was just standing there, staring at me while listening to his boss, I think.

"School? What school? This doesn't really look like a school to me. More like a torture room."  I spat, looking around in the empty room.

Mr Jackson smiled at Mattheo. "I like this one riddle, she has spice. Good choice boy."

Mattheo nodded and walked away.
"I'm sorry but I don't think I'm following? You like me? I don't know what that's supposed to mean sir." I said. And I was telling the truth. I have absolutely no idea what was happening.

"I have this school. Its not a normal school, its full off... psychopaths. People who have no future, who have no people to go to. I already saved many students and gave them a future. Something to fight for, a purpose. If you would let me help you, perhaps you would find you're purpose too." I was really confused. How did he know I didn't have a future? Maybe he knew about me wanting to kill myself. That's why Mattheo saved me. They knew. Its still weird tho, why would they care?

"You know what? Sure. Why not. I'll join you're school thing." I said, not thinking clearly since I smoked that joint. I didn't care anymore, if this couldn't even help me anymore, I just had another reason to jump. It would make it easier.

"Very well then. Come with me." The man opened a door and walked through with me behind him. We walked into a vey big hallway. It looked like a school, a normal school, finally something made sense. We walked trough the halls until we reached an office. There was a black box with a red ribbon around it. Almost like a Christmas present.

"You're uniform" mr Jackson said as he picked up the box and handed it to me.

I opened it and I saw the black uniform. I pulled out a black knitted seater with red lines around it and a black skirt. There were also black shoes and a beautiful hair accessorie.

"You're room is this way" a low voice said. I knew that voice, it was Mattheo. I turned around to face the handsome boy. I nodded and walked with him. As soon as we reached my room he handed me a key.

"Now go and change, I'll see u in the auditorium in 15 minutes. Okay?"

"Okay, see u there"

He closed the door and walked away. All the questions were popping up in my head. Where did I end up? Why did they want me in they're "school" and why did I listen? I should of just jumped again when he stopped me. But now I'm stuck in this school with the boy who saved my life and a weird director who seemed to like me.
What the fuck happened?

(This is the end of chapter 2)
Hi! Back again. It will get better and more exciting in the next chapters. I just wanted to start of easy. If you are reading this, thank you!

Meant to be: Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now