chapter 5--- nightmare

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"it's getting pretty late, maybe we should get some rest." I suggested. "After all alot has happened today." Hera added. After everyone left it was just me, sabine, and zeb. "Ok hera would kill me if she knew this. We have to keep this between us." They nodded. "Ezra told me by using the force that he wouldn't sleep or eat if he came back." I told them. "Well he's ate. That's good. But I don't know how well he'll sleep." I informed them. "Zeb make sure he sleeps. If there is any thing going wrong tell sabine to get me and do not leave his side. We don't want him to leave again." They nodded and wenrmt to there cabin as I did.


I knew kanan wanted me to sleep. But how could I? I keep having Nightmares, that are sure to wake zeb. Zeb waked in. "Hey can we talk?" I asked him. "I guess." He reply ed. "If I wake up, don't tell kanan." I paused "I'm trusting you." Zeb was shocked "I'm promise." He said And went to bed. I started to sleep and I had a dream. Kanan was with me and I was lying in medbay. He was meditating and he's got up and started to talk. "I know you can't here me. This is the only time I will admit this too. Ezra, I--" kanan spoke but I couldn't here anything else as I started to fade I saw myself from a diffrent point. I wasn't viable to kanan I assume. I saw kanan hit me like he did before. And all of the bad memories Rapaged my mind. Kanan hit me. Zeb ditched me. Hera pitting me. Sabine ignoring me.


Sabine ran in my room quite when she passed hera's room so she wouldn't wake up. she went to speak but I already up, Kew it was ezra "he's sleeping unwell isn't he?" She nodded. We ran quitly through the halls as I saw ezra thrashing. "Ezra please we up." Sabine said. Then he stopped. He didn't thrash. Barley breahing. "He can't take much more of this. The fear is hurting him it's to much pressure. Wake" I commanded zeb. Zeb some him hard. "Stop you'll hurt him." Sabine commented. He started to wake. "!" Zeb picked him up and carryed him to medbay. "Here." I put a rag on his forehead. "Your so tense calm down." I told ezra. "Zeb" he clenched his

Teeth and tried to attack him but I held him back. "Ezra it was for the best." Ezra glared at him. "I was having a ni-" he stopped in the middle of his word. "Ni---great Dream." He fake smiled.


"No you weren't. What was it about." Kanan asked me. "Honest I was having a good dream. Let me get back to it." I walked out into his room. "Kid listen--" I intruped zeb. "No you listen." I yeled at him. "I am never trusting you again. Ever." Zeb was shocked. "Kid!" He tried but I didn't awnser. "Kid." He said quiter. "You can call me ezra." I told him and drifted to sleep.


I woke up and the kid. I mean ezra. Won't talk to me. Thanks alot kanan. "Great just great. thanks kanan" I said Sarcasticlly walking into the common room. Ezra walked past me. "Hey come on ki-" he stopped me "ezra. My name Is ezra." I rolled my eyes. "Fine come on ezra." He ignore me. "Why is he ignoring you? Why is he mad? Did you just call him by his real name?" I sighed. "He told me not to tell you if he woke up, and I did becuase you wanted me to." Kanan laughed. "Well you did the right thing"


"I can't belive you!" I yelled at zeb. "Kid, kanan told me to!" He yelled at he was shocked at what he just blurted out. "I understand." I calmed myself and walked out of the room calmly. "You ok kid?" Kanan said as I walked by. He senced that I was feeling Betrailed. I ignored him as I walked past and walked outside. "Um ezra?" He waved his hand in front of me. I ignored it and keep walking. "You do realize your walking right out of the ghost right?" Sabine asked and I nodded. "Ezra!" Kanan said. "Boss? I could of maybe blurted that you told me know." Zeb said as he walked in. "Woah zeb you can't keep a secret, can you?" Sabine mocked him. I walked out of the ghost. When I was about a 2 miles away I sat down and meditate.

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