~Always trust Allah and have faith in him because he is the best giver and taker~
Hammad's POV.He woke up the next morning with a headache so after he prayed, he went back to bed
He was sleeping peacefully and enjoying his sleep when his phone started vibrating on the bedside drawer. He couldn't be picked up because before he could turn the phone has cut
The phone started ringing again so he stretched his hand and reached for it
"Hello," Hammad said with his voice down
"Why haven't you arrived yet?" Mala asked
"I'll be there soon," Hammad said and hung up. He stood up slavishly and entered the bathroom and took a hot shower then came out, got dressed up, and head to his mom's apartment
He greeted her and then Went out without having breakfast
Yusra's POV.I woke up before Fajr prayer so I decided to pray some Nawafil and go through my books before time for Fajr
After I prayed fajr, I took my bath and then went back to the mattress because they are still more time before I go to school. I set an alarm to wake me up by 7:30 because we're having more paper
The annoying sound of my alarm woke me up at 7:30 fleck, I was enjoying my sleep but I have no choice apart from getting up. I head to my bathroom without the intention of not bathing since I did that earlier but I couldn't help it I took another bath
I came out, did all my routine got dressed up and picked up my bag then head downstairs to have breakfast. Everyone was at the dining table including Yasmin who was dressed up in her uniform
"Good morning!" I greeted sitting next to Yasmin
"Morning, how was your night?" Abba asked smiling
"When did you come back Abba?" I asked smiling
"Early this morning" Abba replied smiling
"Welcome back," I said
"Thanks my dear," Abba said
"Start eating or else you'll be late for school because whenever you and your dad start to discuss you guys won't stop," Mami said
"Are you jealous" Abba teased
"And why will I be" Mami replied smiling. After we had our breakfast, we bade our parents and headed to school
On our way, no one uttered a word to the other
Immediately after the car was parked, we went out and stroll to the exam hall we were 10 minutes late so, Mr.Muhammad stopped us from entering
Hammad's POV.
He branched to a restaurant to buy some food before he head to school. He found Yasmin and Yusrah standing outside the hall so he asked
"What are you two doing outside while the paper is going on?" Hammad asked
"We came late so we were asked to stay outside" Yasmin replied
"Follow me," Hammad said heading into the foyer. We followed him and he handed us the questionnaire and then asked us to sit and start the paper
I did mine and Yasmin's as usual then went out to have lunch and come back for the afternoon paper. Umar had already brought lunch so we had lunch, prayed, and went back to class
Yusra's POV.
After we were done, we head home. Immediately we arrived home, I took my bath and Prayed Asr then slept off because I'm really tired
I didn't wake up till past 6 I prayed, read my Quran and wait for Magrib. After I prayed maghrib, I went to Yasmin's room
"Salaam Alaykum" I salamed
"Wa'alaykum salaam" Yasmin replied
"Babe, are you angry with me?" I asked sitting next to her
"No I'm not" Yasmin replied
"Then why are you snubbing me?" I asked
"Because I don't want to be seeing you anywhere close to Hammad," Yasmin said
"Insha Allah I'll stay away from him if that will make you happy," I said smiling
"Better for you," Yasmin said
"Smile for me," I said drawing her nose
"Yusyyy!" Yasmin shouted
"You girls should come down dinner is ready" Ya Ameer shouted from downstairs
"Okay Yaya" We chorused. We stood up and sauntered downstairs
Dinner was already concocted so, we launched serving everyone.
Hammad's POV.
He went straight home because he was feeling dizzy. Immediately he arrived home, he went straight to his mum's apartment She was in the sitting room so he greeted her hand head to her room
He performed his ablution and prayed Asr then lay down on the bed and slept off
He didn't wake up till past 7 so he performed his Ablution and prayed
"Salaam Alaykum" Amma salaamed
"Wa'alaikum salam" Hammad replied trying to smile
"Son, are you okay?" Amma said sitting on the bed
"Yeah I'm fine," He said placing his head on her laps
"Your temperature is a high son," Amma said worriedly
"I'm fine" Hammad lied
"You're not okay, Let me go get you your dinner and some drugs," Amma said and rushed out. She came back with a plate
She help him to sit and she started feeding him. He ate a little and took the drug
"You should get some rest," Amma said helping him to stand up and lie on the bed
"Okay," Hammad said. She sat by his side giving him a head massage she didn't leave till he was fast asleep
She switched off the light and went out of the room........
Yusra's POV.After we had all had dinner, we went to the sitting room and started watching a movie. Abba and Mami stood up and bade us because it was already 11:30 pm
"You girls should also go to bed now," Ya Ameer said switching off the tv
"Okay Ya Ameer, goodnight," We said and head upstairs while Ya Ameer walked out
We bade each other I entered my room while Yasmin also entered hers. I prayed to isha and Nawafil then read my books.
I took about an hour reading, then prayed and descended to bed.........
Chapter 18down👇
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Dear Hammad ✅
RomanceA fiction book about two people meant to be, a book about Hammad and Yusrah. Hammad Buba Marwa is a 31-year-old microbiologist and, a handsome, classy, and coldhearted multimillionaire. He's every girl's dream but love doesn't exist in his world, fo...