Allahumma As'alukal Jannah(Ya Allah,grant me Jannah).
Yusrah's POV.
"Innalillahi wa'Inna ilaihi raji'un" I said as I fainted
"Yusrah, Yusrah!" everyone rushed to me shaking me
"Go get some water Yasmin" Mami shouted and Yasmin rushed to bring water
I heard a sprinkle of water on my face and that brought me back from unconsciousness. I sat down on the floor glaring at each other as they stare at worriedly
"Sannu, sorry" Everyone said
"Thanks" I managed to say as tears flow down my cheeks
"Are you okay?" Mami mumbled
"No mami, he's not fine" I said trying to control my tears
"Who's not fine?" Mami asked
"Hammad!" I said crying
"I don't know Mami, but all I know is that he's not well
"Subhanallahy" Mami said
"I think we should just call his mum" Yasmin said
"Okay" Mami said. She dialed Hammad's mum number, it ranged for about 3times but she didn't pick up
"Let's go to his house Mami" I said crying
"Okay" I said. I picked up my hijab and came down and we left for his house. No one was in the house apart from Nasreen and their watch man, we entered the sitting were Nasreen was sitting and looking worried
"Salaam Alaykum" We salamed as we entered the sitting room
"Wa'alaykum salaam" Nasreen responded looking at us
"Welcome" Nasreen mumbled smiling
"Thanks" We said as we sat down
"You're alone here" I asked wanting to hear the whereabout of Hammad
"Yes dear, everyone is at the hospital" Nasreen said as my heart skipped
"Who's sick?" I said worried
"Hammad was engaged in an accident on his way back home from your house" Nasreen said crying
"Innalillahi" I and Mami chorus worried
"Which hospital?" I managed to ask
"King Abdulaziz city(hospital)" Nasreen replied
"Okay thanks" I said standing up
"Mami, let's go" I said running out while Mami walked behind me. We entered the car
"Abdulaziz hospital" I said to the driver
"Okay ma'am" Driver replied and we drove off
Immediately the car was packed, I rushed into the hospital. I'm looking for the guy they brought earlier today who was engaged in an accident

Dear Hammad ✅
RomanceA fiction book about two people meant to be, a book about Hammad and Yusrah. Hammad Buba Marwa is a 31-year-old microbiologist and, a handsome, classy, and coldhearted multimillionaire. He's every girl's dream but love doesn't exist in his world, fo...