May Allah make us among the lucky ones who will be gifted with the gift of seeing Lailatul Qadr.
Yusra's POV.
I was sleeping peacefully when the sound of my annoying ringing tone woke me up. I didn't bother checking the name I just picked it up
"Salaam Alaikum," I said groaning
"Wa'alaikum salaam angel, wake up it's time of Sahoor," Mala said in his cool voice
"Uhmmm I'm already getting off my bed," I said placing my foot in my shoes
"Ok," Mala said
"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said trying to hang up
"Pleasure is always mine" Mala mumbled. I dropped my phone on my bedside table and head to my bathroom and performed my ablution.
I came out and prayed some Nafila then head downstairs so that we could make food for Sahoor. I heard noises from the kitchen so I know it was Mami and indo.
"Weldone," I said entering the kitchen
"Thank you Yusrah" Mami replied while Indo smiled
"Something sniffs good," I said enjoying the aroma of the food
"Aww, really I think it's my new little secret" indo said to Emily while mami smiled
"And what is dat hajia indo Mrs secret" I muttered wanting to know
"Curry masala," Indo said smiling
"Oh that's good," I said laughing
I helped them with the rest of the things that hasn't been made. After we're done we set the dining and I head to Yasmin's room to wake her up
"Yasmin wake up if not you won't be able to hit the time of school," I said tapping her
"I'm already awake," Yasmin said stretching her arms
"Ok be quick," I said walking out
Ya Ameer, Abba, and Mami were already halfway with their food so I also joined. Yasmin took about 14-15minutes before she came down with her sleepy eyes
She walks slowly to the dining area and also served herself because it was already 4:45 AM so she rushed her food. We all were able to hit the time before "Assalatu" was called
"This food tastes very Yummy," Ya Ameer said glaring at me
"Yeah it's simply because of Indo's little new secret" I replied looking at him
"Indo kuma,tabbjam," Ya Ameer asked surprised
I found myself laughing silently. Before I got carried away, I let myself unobtrusively saying
"Yeah indo" I replied
"I have to go back to bed I'm extremely sleepy," Yasmin said while she bolted out.
"I know she won't even pray Fajr till later in the morning," Ya Ameer said glaring at her back
"Hhhh kai Yaya" I mumbled. We gisted till when it was time for Ya Ameer and Abba to go to the mosque for Fajr prayer while I head to my room
I prayed and recited 5 hizb out of my Qur'an because I want to memorize all the Qur'an in 6 days insha Allah. Immediately I was done, I stood up and head to Yasmin's room so I could wake her up
"Yasmin, wake up it's already 8:00 AM," I said tapping her
"What do you want me to do" Yasmin yawned
"Pray mna" I shortened
"I have already prayed aii" Yasmin lied because I know she hasn't so she was lying to me
"When?" I asked
"Oh my God Yusrah, why do you like pissing me off now" Yasmin shouted annoyed
"Just get up and pray then you can go back to bed," I said sitting on the side of her bed
"Yusrah, the witch one," Yasmin said standing up and heading toward her bathroom
I waited till after she prayed then I went back to my room so that I can also get some sleep
Hammad's POV.
His mum called his phone to wake him up for sahoor but all he said was "Amma, I will just take a sip of water I'm not hungry" Hammad said
"Ok son" Amma replied
He stood up and brushed his teeth then prayed some Nawafil. After he's done praying he read his Qur'an and then drank some water.
"I'm seriously missing you wifey❤️" Hammad glaring at Yusrah's picture that was on his wallpaper
"Ya Rabb, you know how much I love this soul please guide and protect her for me" Hammad prayed
He Heard a knock on his door, so head downstairs it was Asif, so they head out to the masjid so they could pray Fajr. After they came back, they all head to their apartment and immediately he entered his room, he descended to his bed and then flew away to la la land...
Alhamdulillah chapter 26down
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Dear Hammad ✅
Storie d'amoreA fiction book about two people meant to be, a book about Hammad and Yusrah. Hammad Buba Marwa is a 31-year-old microbiologist and, a handsome, classy, and coldhearted multimillionaire. He's every girl's dream but love doesn't exist in his world, fo...