Who are these people?... [Chapter 2]

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We started roaming the island, looking in bushes or trees, but we couldn't find anyone yet. I sighed and sat down on the soft sand. We've been searching for about an hour and a half now, and still, there's no sign of any students.

"I'm starting to think that you lied, Nagito." I said while burying my head in my knees.

"But we haven't searched everywhere, (y/n). Have you lost hope already?" He said while crouching down beside me. I shuffled away from him and sighed again.

"Maybe I have. Now I'm just tired, and there's nothing to eat or drink. And I'm pretty sure you're feeling the same way." I sighed once more and lifted my head, watching the waves dance gracefully. It's surprisingly calming, the sound of waves and birds. I could almost fall asleep...

Nagito got up and brushed the sand off of him and walked in front of me. "(Y/n), come on we have to look over there, we haven't looked there yet." He paused. "I mean, you don't have to follow me, I understand if you want to rest for a bit." He paused once again, waiting for a response but I didn't really feel like talking right now. Gosh, why is he so annoying. I'm literally trapped on an island with some homeless looking dude, I don't even know where my family is, where my stupid school is, where I can eat or drink. And this guy expects me to be elated and full of hope. Not only that, I can't even use my phone! I turned my head away from him so that he could get the hint and leave me alone. He then sighed and walked off. Finally, some peace and quiet.

"Jeez.." I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes and begun listening to the crashing waves and tweeting. It was warm... Not too hot, not too cold. I could feel the warm sun rays again. It honestly felt like heaven. I hugged myself tightly and tried to relax. I wonder how I'm gonna survive here... I felt like falling asleep... At least I'm calm now.


Not long after, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I opened my eyes to see that it was Nagito. He was holding something, I guess he found something after all. It wasn't another student though. I rolled my eyes and got up. And stood facing him. He arrived and smiled at me, before handing me what looked like a watermelon.

"Um... what's this for?" I said.

"You said that there was nothing to eat or drink, implying that you're hungry. So I got you this! I'm quite lucky aren't I?" He said while handing me the huge watermelon along with his huge smile. What???

"But I thought- but what??" I was speechless- All this time I thought he'd gone to look for the other students, yet he wasted his time getting a watermelon for me??

"But what? Don't you like watermelons? Oh don't worry I found pineapples and bananas too- Oh and coconuts!" .... I was thankful that he found something to eat but... I'm more desperate to get out of here.

"... I thought you've gone to find more people... people that could help us, people that could take us back or have shelters or a boat- or SOMETHING yet you-"

[Short third person POV]

While (y/n) was ranting to Nagito, she/he were suddenly cut off by something.

[Back to your POV lol]

I was cut off.

"Hey! You two, stop arguing and come over here!" I turned my head towards the direction of the voice. In the distance, there was a pink-haired girl it seemed like- Without thinking I sprinted towards the person. Yes! Finally! Someone else! There are more people trapped here, it's not only me! And this girl has more people with her! Finally!

"Hi! I'm (y/n)(l/n) and I'm the ultimate philanthrope, but I prefer being called the ultimate sweetheart. I'm supposed to be attending Hopes Peak Academy, but for some reason, I ended up here. Who are you?" I said happily.

"Ah, I see. I am Chiaki Nanami, the ultimate gamer. And we're all supposed to be attending Hope's Peak as well." Chiaki turned to Nagito who was now behind me. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Nagito Komaeda, the ultimate lucky student. Although I'm pretty sure being lucky isn't even a tale-"

"Ah, I see. That's cool." Chiaki interrupted. I giggled. That was actually kinda funny, I want to be her friend.

"Wait so like everyone that's supposed to go to Hope's Peak ended up here?!?!? The fuuuuuUUUUUCCKK????" A boy with spiky teeth and pinkish hair screamed. What the hell happened to his teeth. Is he trying to be a shark or something?

"Everyone should go introduce themselves. Since we all have found each other." Chiaki said softly. I nodded and went around talking to the other 15 students that were there.

[A/N] This was kinda short, sorry ;P - Namz

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