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Hello, welcome to Alexis of Troy. This page will show the humble beginnings of what has grown to be my most popular story.

Originally, in the beginning, it had been a novella in my first ever Open Novella Contest. Since then, it has grown into a full duology (see Alexis of Sparta).

I went into this story thinking I'd write a story that was historically true to the Iliad. However, once I started editing and expanding on the story, it has taken on a mind of its own. So, while there may be inaccuracies and deviances from the original source, this story is a piece of fiction and any changes to the characters, setting and plot are for the plot of this story.

Grab your popcorn, or a hot chocolate, or a tea, or glass of wine even, and buckle up for a journey into the ancient world... Here's hoping Alexis doesn't mess things up too badly!

The Prompt that started the wild ride:


You've traveled into the past, but you're not sure how. Somehow, you must make it back to the present without disturbing the timeline. However, that's made a little difficult when a character of a historical legend starts to take an interest in you.

 However, that's made a little difficult when a character of a historical legend starts to take an interest in you

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Alexis of Troy (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now