Chapter 1 - Hi!

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The classroom were quiet, no one said a sound since the test were determining their final grades for this class. If a needle fell it would deafen them. 

Clay tapped his pencil on the table, the paper he wrote on was wrinkled in the corner, and his pencil was borrowed. The pencil tapping was followed by a shush and a kick to his shin from his friend, Nick, sitting beside him. The test was no joke, unfortunately. 

Every word on the paper seemed to be spelled wrong, making no sense to the dear boy. He could read them, but it all fell into one big pile in his head, making him frustrated. A hand got raised. "Miss, may I go to the bathroom?" The whole class took small glanzes towards the shaking voice of Clay. "No wastaken, you may not, if you haven't noticed we're in the middle of a test. Now concentrate and get it finished." Clay was very dissapointed with the answer, his legs cramped and shook. He needed to run a quick lap or jump a bit on the spot.

It took all of him to concentrate, and still with no avail. He ended up speedrunning the test, handing it in twenty minutes before the time and ran outside. 

George had just finished his class, walking down the long hallways that put the classrooms together and made the school whole. His feet dragging the flooring and his hair falling repeatedly into his face. The sound of feet running and jumping on the spot around the corner caught him off guard, everyone else had class at this time of day? didn't they? 

A tall blonde boy stood, jumping up and down, shaking his head furiously like a dog. "you ok?" George dared speak, the boy in front of him seemingly stressed about something, he had discarded his bag to the wall of the hallway, his phone laying in the middle of the hallway and a jacket near georges feet. He was a mess.

"oh, hi!" was the answer George got, the blonde boy then took out an arm signaling for George to do the same so that they could shake hands. "hi?" George hoped the boy was ok, he seemed off.

"I'm Clay, sorry, I'm just a bit stressed that's all." Clay shook Georges hand roughly with much force while his other hand ran up and down his neck. "I'm George, I hope you're not too stressed?" George raised an eyebrow, their hands still linked, but none of them acknowledged it. "Oh yeah, it's just school, falling a bit behind... -but it's ok it's ok." the Clay boy said, hastily adding the last part. "if it's just that I might be able to help?" George offered the pretty boy, the pretty boy with now sparkling eyes. 

They had exchanged phone numbers and come to the agreement to talk later after school and go through the stuff Clay had gotten from the teachers and different classes. This was great for Clay. The boy in cute pants was now going to be helping him with school, why wouldn't he be exstatic?! He speedran his last classes of the day, focussing hard to be able to talk with George about it and not sound totally dumbfounded. Nick raised an eyebrow at his friend's sudden eagerness to learn, but he rather not question it. 

Clay finished school way before George, and so he sat in the studyhall writing down the different subjects and what was hard to understand, hoping to help George help him. Time passed way too slowly, every tick the clock tocked seemed to have an hour between. He had resorted to tapping his pen, he had found seven things that really stood out to him as being hard to understand. Wishing he had more, for some reason he really wanted to spend time with George, they had bare talked but here he was, not being able to think of anything else. 

As footsteps approached him his head shot up, only to see a teacher walking over to him. "Clay dear, are you waiting on anyone? we close down the studyhall in five minutes, so please pack up your things." she said it with a half smile, giving him a tap on the shoulder before walking off. Did George forget? no way.

Furious footsteps stomped out of the studyhall, he wanted to learn for once, and then cutiepants never showed. His eyes wanderes around the hall, hoping to see George running down it, but with no avail, the latter was no where to be seen.

A few laughs were heard, followed by slurs and words Clay would never dare to even think about. And as he turned a corner, leaving school ground, he saw some of his fellow football players standing looking down at something. The something wimpering. 

George wasn't the biggest nor the strongest. But he wasn't too small or fragile either. He did play icehockey and ecxelled at it. But when five football players had approched him, cornering him and making fun of him, he had no change. They had beat him up and called him a bunch of slurs and even words that George had never heard and never dreamt of hearing.

Suddenly when he was laying down, beaten and wimpering, a guy came up and started talking to the football players. George couldn't see anything, too scared to open his eyes.

The smack of a fist hitting a jaw was heard, followed by a knee in the stomach and then being thrown into the person standing beside him. And suddenly Clay where in a fistfight with one of the football players. He had seen George laying down, and he had tried to talk to the football players, but they wouldn't listen. Calling him a simp. And suddenly he was laying on the ground with a football player strangling his hips with their knees, with a few swift movements Clay was on top, hitting just right, not needing to hit much before the other guys were pulling their friend away, running the opposite way. 

George now sat, looking into Clays eyes with his beautiful chocolate eyes. They just sat there a bit, before breaking out laughing. 

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