Chapter 11- he's very sweet

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TW// still a bit suggesting, but only because they talk about it. 

Also sorry for the short chapter :] 

George dreaded going home, his parents might have come home early, and in that case, he wouldnt have time to cover up the hickeys. He would be in deep shit if that happened. The same was roaming the Clay boys' mind. If his mom saw, oh no. She wouldn't care much for who did it, Clay had talked enough with her about George for her to have an idea, but she would not be happy about the marks. 

the final bell rang and George came running over towards Clay, engulfing him in a hug. "shit shit shit shit-." he mumbled into Clays chest. "gogy? smthn wrong?" Clay said, barely loud enough for the brunnette to hear it. "my dad is gonna be so mad." George said, digging his head into the blondies chest. "he's gonna think-" Clay silenced him, putting a hand on the boys head and carving through the soft brown. "if anything happens, call me." Clay said, sternly. 

"nothing will happen, he knows I'm gay, and all that- it's just, he, actually I don't think he will be mad." George looked like he lowkey scolded past him for thinking such. 

"he will proboaly be like 'I'm glad ur getting layed'" George laughed. The blondes wheezes joining in, and only contributing to a much more funny situation. "same goes for my mom." Clay chuckled. "she'll proboaly want you over for dinner though, at some point." Both of them laughing maniacly now, this whole scene of today was just too much.

"CLAAYYY!" he had barely opened the door. "since WHEN have you been fucking that poor boy?" his mom had no filter. "WHAt wait-wait-wait moOom." Clay tried to silence her, but too late, fast footsteps where running down the stairs. "WHOOO Clay, tell me who right now!" His sister yelled, pointing an acusating finger towards the taller. "you- you w-how- how do you KNoW mom?" Clay turned his back to his sister and tried to find his mom.

"oh sweety, don't think too hard about it, or you might burnt out that brain of yours." his mom was surely something. "mom stop... hOw?" he stood i front of her. "his dad called, you two have been meeting a lot at his place, and he forgot that his dad came home yesterday." she said it so nonchalant, like this was close to dinner talk. 

The blonde boy was shook, he had thought he would have been given a lesson, or a warning. "So it's GeorGE!" Drista his sister yelled. "Can I tell Tommy?" Clays head whipped around so fast he could've broken his spine. "DONT YOU DARE!" And thus the chase began.

"George, are you... sore?" His dad sounded almost scared to talk about it. "what are you talking about dad?" George tried to push it away, and tried to think of a subject to change this conversation to, but his dad was too fast. "I got home yesterday you know.." The younger brunnette did not dare look up, he stared at the mashed potatos and pork below him on his plate. "it's ok, I'm glad you're finally getting layed, is he a sweet boy as well?" 

The conversation hit some weird nerves, George was surely uncomfortable, but he didn't mind it, his dad just tried his best to talk to his gay son. Who could blame him. "He's very sweet." 

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