Chapter 3 -oh

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The next day at school, Clay was exstatic. His whole world were swirling and jumping and pumping blood around his body in such manner that he barely could focus on anything. 

His friend Nick were severely concerned. "Hey Clay? what's been going on with you?" Nick placed a hand on Clay shoulder and looked him in the eyes. Clay just shook his head and smiled fondly, chuckling a bit before calming down, almost melting into the chair. "Nick my friend." Clay yelled, making a few people jump, the lunch table the two were sat at was empty, only hosting the two friends. "Nick, Nick Nick." Clay swattet Nicks hand away from his shoulder.

His stomach did flips and he felt like puking and crying and laughing and yelling at screaming all at once when he saw the brunette walk into the cafeteria. He stood up and waved a hand for the petiete boy to see. When Clay was greeted with a smile, and a jumping boy walking towards him and Nicks table, he stopped waving and sat down. "isn't he pretty." Clay said, not loud enough for Nick to hear.

The small brunnette came almost running to their table, obviously trying to look like he barely cared. Not really managing doing that, he sat down across from Clay. "Hi! I'm Nick." Nick said giving George a nod and a half smile, wondering what his stupid friend saw in this dude. "George." George said and matched Nicks nod and half smile. 

"George? I got so much homework to do, I think I might DroWn~" Clay whined looking at George with puppy eyes and ignoring Nick almost choking on his juicebox. "Allright then, you idiot, we can go through it after school." Clay almost jumped in his chair, he looked like he shined. "Ok you two, I'm gonna go talk to Karl." And with that, Nick left the two boys.

George had a hard time not staring at Clay, their little study break had kept repeating and reappearing in his head. It was surely just friendly manners? That was a stupid thought, offcourse it wasn't just friendly manners. "George?" Clay waved a hand in front of Georges face, "I still don't understand this?" a shoulder tapped Georges as the two sat very close. "oh yeah, sorry, you just have very pretty freckles-" Georges eyes widened, what did he just say. The blondie beside him turned a red color so red that it looked painted on.


The rest of the study went by in a hassle, the two boys were both wery giddy and embarressed about everything and nothing, their small hearts couldn't handle how cute the other looked. They were at Georges again, and Clay couldn't get enough of the place. Georges room smelled like something really sweet and gave it a home feeling. "I love your smell." The words just shot out of Clay, he didn't even register it before George did. 


The brunnette tried to mimick the blondies oh from before. Making them both burst out laughing. George had saved Clay from the embarrasment of acknowledging his own words. Their laughter turned more quiet, and their focus shifted to eachothers eyes for a second. Then looking away from eachother like a pair of middleschool kids. George had had to look a bit up to really see into Clays eyes, Clay was a giant. 

The two enjoyed eachothers company, laughing and joking just as much if not more than doing homework. George had gone a bit behind, since he had helped Clay with all of Clays homework, he hadn't had time for his own. But he couldn't care less. He was too happy with Clay.

George suddenly got an idea, he leaned impossibly closer to Clay, laying his head on the front of the boys shoulder, that making his hair tickle the tallers face. "what are you doing George?" Clay giggled, putting a hand on Georges knee. "you said you liked my smell?" the brunnette said it like this was so normal and not at all out of the typical. "oh, yeah." Clay smiled, leaning down into the shorters hair, taking a deep breath through his nose, he decided to play along on this. 

The feeling of Clay smelling his hair tickled, making George giggle, and out of instinct placing a hand on Clays thigh for support, not thinking of where he placed his hand. This made Clay go red, really red. Clay couched out a few laughs, not sounding uncomfortable, but merely confused on how to react to this behavior. 

They barely studied at all, just sitting there, laughing and joking. George almost sat in the others lap by the time they decided to part ways. "I'm sorry we barely studied." the smaller of the two looked up at Clay, his eyes apolegizing with his words. "oh, I studied plenty." This remark from the blonde sparked a raised brow from the brunnette. "what do you mean?" George seemed intrigued and confused, looking up at Clay as the taller stood in the doorway. "I know your smell inside and out now, I can proboaly descripe it in my sleep." and with that, the blondie turned on his heel and spun around almost running out the door.

Behind him a stunned but amused brunnette stood, swooning.

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