Chapter 5- do you even scate?

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"where are the towels?" Clays voice sounded like this was an everyday occurrence, it sounded so nonchalant, that George didn't think any further than to just walk in with a towel. He knocked, when no one answered, he walked in. "here-" There Clay stood, one hand hiding a private spot, the other reaching out for the towel. Clays face was all red, water droplets covering his body, and water dripping from his hair. He looked good.

"oup, ehm sorry." George threw the towel and put a hand over his eyes at the same time, his face now matched Clays, all red. When george closed the door he quickly stood up against it, cursing himself for whatever just happened. He was still stunned when he heard Clays voice again. "I forgot my clothes out there... do you mind grabbing them for me?" This time George opened the door only a little bit, and threw it inside, hoping it didn't land in water.

The brunnette now retrieved to his room, slighty less of a blushing mess than before. He picked out some clothes for himself and made sure he didn't forget anything, whatever just happened didn't need to happen again. He then knocked twice on the door before speaking. "a-are you done?" shuffling could be heard from the bathroom before a small click and then the door swung open to reveal a dressed Clay with still damp hair and a very red face. "yeah, sorry." 

George then moved around Clay and inside the bathroom. "You can leave now, you can just wait in my bedroom." Clay had been standing still holding the bathroom door, not noticing George walking in. "oh, yeah off course." The tension was thick.

A quick bath later and George walked into the bedroom, matching Clays slight blush and damp hair. "hey." a nod and halfsmile got passed between the two before the brunnette sat down beside the blonde. 

"so, you missed me?" George looked daringly up at Clay, raising an eyebrow and sporting a stupid smile. "Correction, i missed your scent." Clay said before leaning over to smell Georges hair. This action was recieves with lots of giggles from both sides. "sure u did, I missed yours." George said, then taking a hold of Clays shirt to pull him down so that George was able to smell his hair. 

Chuckles and laughter filled the room, their ridiculous acts had them both laughing and sounding like dying animals. 

"you sound like a tea kettle, or a- or a- a dying seagul!" George said through laughter. "no-oh, I don't, you sound like a- a dying cat, or- or a windowcleaner!!!" Clay sounded like he could barely breathe, and George had gotten hiccups. "a WiNdoW *hic* cLeeaNer?!?" George had a hard time talking, he hadn't laughed this hard for a while.

"sta-ahp! I'm gonna pee my-myself!" the blonde said, tears now rolling down his cheeks. "NOO!" George took a hand and shoved Clay, to no avail, all the laughing had made him much weaker than he usually was. 

Both boy's shoulders were shaking and they had both tears in their eyes. 

They were laying on the floor when both the blondie and the brunette had calmed down, small chuckles and giggles still came every now and then, but the thick tension that visited them before, was now gone. "Hey George?" Clay had suddenly remembered why he came. "The football team sucks ass, I wondered if you had room on the icehockey team?" George shot up, this gave him small black spots infront of his eyes, when they were gone he spoke.

"do you even know how to scate?" The blonde hadn't even thought much about that part, he had very possibly considered it, but alas, he had thought it wouldn't matter much. "Well is it hard to learn?" The two boys now locked eyes, Clay still on the floor. "Well, not that hard- but like..." George looked very puzzled. "What do you say we go practice in the weekend to see what you can do?" George still prompted a very puzzled and confused face, almost as if he didn't believe Clay was serious. 

"yeah sure." 

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