Chapter Eleven

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Louis’ POV

I stare at the coffin in front of me. The feeling that went away years ago comes back. The ‘if onlys’ continue to run in my head. Two bodies. Two people. Two people who we loved dearly, are gone. One was barely old enough to drive, the other, a nanny who was there since the beginning. Why did they have to be the unlucky ones? Good people always die, yet bad people always get away with it.

We all saw the words on Ben’s forehead. Harry has never been more paranoid in his life. Everywhere he goes, he double checks the scene, make sure no one is following him, and stays in the middle of the group. We don’t blame him for being extra precautionary. He hasn’t let Larry, Evan, Ellie, Brent or Trent out of his sight.

I turn my attention back to the red coffin. Stella’s face looks so at peace. Her hair is straighten and draped around her face. The bruises that she once had on her face are now covered by makeup. We all know who is to blame for the death of a young girl who still had her whole life ahead of her. The vile people who once tried hurting Larry.

I move one to the next coffin. It’s the darkest blue ever. Ben’s dressed in a regular pair of jeans and shirt. I’m guessing the way he would have wanted to be buried in. His black hair is now overgrown over his forehead. His green eyes no longer shining bright like they would be, but instead are hidden underneath his eyelids. The angry tears start to spill over my cheeks. Harry stands next to me with his fingers touching Ben’s cold face. Harry starts mumbling ‘sorry’ and ‘I love you’ over and over again to Ben.

It’s not hard to see how much he loves Ben. Since adopting Ben, Harry has had brighter personality. Ben was the son he could see everyday if he wanted to. The son that would always talk to him no matter what. The son that was never taken away from him. The guilt of taking Larry away from him eats me alive everyday. We all take a seat and the service starts. Harry already has tears down his face. I don’t think he’s ever been so emotional in his life. The priest ends the words and Harry walks up to start is speech.

We decided to make this a public service. Kids that were at the home Ben and Larry used to be in are here. The old workers are here as well to see their deceased friend get buried. Harry clears his throat and speaks into the microphone.

“As you all know, I adopted Ben four years ago. I didn’t treat him like he was a worthless or a waste of space. I treated him like he was actually my son. Even though he wasn’t truly my real son, I felt like him and I had father/son connection. I helped him with homework. I taught him how to skateboard. I taught him so many things while he was with me. He had his whole life ahead of him. I think everyone knows that parents should never have to burry their child, but sometimes it happens.,” Harry pauses and starts to tremble. Tears start to pour out if his eyes, “I didn’t expect to get called into a police station and have them tell me my son was murdered. No one should have to go through that feeling. I love you Ben. I know you’re safe up there.”

Harry breaks down and walks off the stage before he can get to Stella’s part of the speech. I stand up and decide to take the last. I clear my throat, “I’ll finish Harry’s speech. Stella was a wonderful girl. She was there since the beginning with Larry. We lost her four years ago at Eleanor’s funeral. We thought she just needed to clear her mind. This is one of those cases that we believe that the person will come home safe and sound, but it isn’t. She suffered along with Ben. We’ll never get those precious moments that we were suppose to spend with her, but at least we now know where she is.”

I end the speech with tears streaming down my face. I don’t know how she could have suffered the pain that she did. The report said she suffered long term injuries before she died, as well as Ben did. We watch the coffins get lowered down at the same time in two holes. The head stones have their names on it. Eleanor’s grave is next to Ben’s. Three beautiful, wonderful people gone from this world, and more are dying everyday. Once the grave is buried. I place a white rose and an old teddy bear on Stella’s grave. She left behind the teddy bear when she was kidnapped. I place another white rose on Ben’s grave. I have nothing of him to give.

I stand back and watch Harry put a toy truck on his grave. I stare at the toy truck in awe. I know remember why he put it on there. The truck was his father’s truck. Ben took it every where with him. I didn’t know that he gave it to Harry or left it behind.

Hours passed by with everyone leaving slowly. Harry hasn’t taken his eyes off the grave in those hours. He stares at the newly buried grave, rereading the headstone over and over again. I touch his shoulder, making him to break out of his trance. He stares at me with his sad green eyes. I sit down next to him. Instantly, his head falls on my shoulder and he starts to sob. I wrap my arms around him and try to calm him down, but I know it won’t work.

“Why Ben? Why Lou? Why did it have to be Ben?” He sobs into my shoulder. I don’t have the heart to explain to him that things just happen. I pick him up in a bridal style and take him to my car where Ellie and Evan sleep.

I can’t help but to aww at the them. Ellie is in Evan’s lap with her head by his shoulder. Evan arms are around his sister and his head hangs on top of hers. They both look at peace, but I know everything will be back to it’s chaotic order once they awaken. I put Harry on the passenger seat since he would take up the back seat and wake up Evan and Ellie. I start the car and drive to my home. Harry whimpers a few times, clutching something in his hand. I pull into my drive and wake up Ellie and Evan. Both tiredly walk off inside to their rooms to go back to bed.

I don’t blame them for being tired. We were at the funeral for a long time. It’s almost 9:00pm and the funeral started at 3 o’clock. I pick up Harry and take him to my room. I don’t think Harry has ever been in my room since I moved into a new home. Harry’s peaceful breaths calm me down knowing he’s no longer crying. I place him onto my bed and dress him out of his dress clothes. It’s not like I’ve done this before. I place the covers up to his chin and kiss his forehead. If only this was a daily thing.

I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around to see Larry leaning against the door with a white plain t-shirt and dark wash skinny jeans. His eyes have turned blue in the recent week, but his hair still has a bit of curl left in it. He bites his lip and smiles.

“I hope I’m able to see this more often. Dad, I don’t know how you feel about him, but I know he loves you. He’s been crying for a week now. Not just because of Ben, but because Emmett has left the country and broke up with him over the phone. I’m going over to Jay’s, and you need to take care of Brent and Trent. Harry has custody of them for the time being until Liam and Dani decide on whether or not adopting them.” Larry says walking over to me. He give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I wave goodbye to him. I love how my son and I are so close, but he doesn’t have that with Harry. I glance down at sleeping Harry. His face is scrunched in pain. I sigh and kiss his forehead once again before leaving to tend to the children. I’m guessing they left for Evan’s room since they’re so close to him. I walk off into the direction of my other son’s room. The door is already slightly open, but all I hear is whispering amongst two little voices.

I walk in to see Brent and Trent snuggled into the sides of Evan. They both look at me with small frowns. I open my arms for them and they nod. They walk over to me and let me carrying them downstairs. They still whisper about things I don’t understand.

“What are you guys whispering about.” I whisper, butting into their conversations. I set them down on the couch and sit on the coffee table across from them. They both look at each other and shrug. Brent motions for me to come towards him with his finger. I lean over close to his face.

“Evan can take away pain.” Brent whispers loudly. “Don’t tell.” He whispers seriously. I zip my lips with my fingers. I help them take their clothes off and give them some of Larry’s old clothes for them to sleep in. While they get dressed, I start to pull out a glass of water.

What did he mean, ‘take away pain’? I can take away pain. Pain pills can take away pain. Numbing medicine can take pain. Therapists can take away pain. Well, I actually don’t know about the last one but still. Take away pain. I will never understand how the logic of five year olds.


[A/N] What did they mean? Larry fluff in this. :) And it isn't a dream this time! :D

Yes I know I haven't updated in a month (Dear lord that's a long time) but I was pretty busy with finals and getting grades up. Now it's Christmas break! After I'm done with one of my other books, I will be updating this one a lot until it's finished! Love you guys and twitcam will be coming soon!

Kik me if you wanna talk sometime!: ImATurtle98 (include your wattpad name so I know who I am talking too).

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now