Chapter Sixteen

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Larry's POV

My life was crashing before me. My dad Harry was missing, my other dad Louis was going insane and now there was a murder to be solved. I've been so confused. Why was everything happening to me? Was I cursed or was it because since the day I was born, life hasn't been the same for anyone. Sometimes I wish I could just wake up and forget that this life I'm living right now didn't happen.

Brent and Trent are now staying at a foster home. They declared that Louis wasn't stable enough to take care of them, which I frankly call bullshit on. However, Evan and Ellie have been staying with Liam and Danielle for the past few weeks. They don't need to be around our unstable father. My life has just been sad you know? I feel like any minute I'll wake up from this nightmare that is called life.

I walk down the stairs of my home and see my father staring at his laptop with a hard glare. The TV is on with the same video. “Hello citizens of London. I'm Nat,” I turn my head towards the laptop seeing Nat smirk, “I have a little game to play. What's tall... has curly hair... green eyes...” he pauses letting out a demonic laugh, “and used to sing to his heart's desire until he had a precious little baby?”

I glare at into Nat's colorless eyes. I watch him pull the bag off the body in the room. “Oh look, it's Harry little Styles. If you guessed correctly, then bravo for you. You know who this son of a bitch is...”

One by one, I see Nat take bags off a head. He has them all. All of my family, all of my cousins, and all of my father's friends. He has my girlfriend, her siblings and the foster parents of Brent and Trent. He's a maniac. He's gone completely bonkers!

“I know you're watching Louis and Larry Styles. I'm going to finished what you little devils started.” I watch the camera move zoom away from his face and to the room. Almost 15 people sit in chairs with their arms tied with chains.

The children sit in the corner where they're tied up and crying their eyes out. Why is he doing this? This isn't supposed to be a horror movie, this is reality. Why aren't the cops tracking this signal down? Are they really that dumb to not know how to use technology?

I hear Nat's laughter again as he sits down in a chair, “Let the punishing start.” One by one, the adults are beaten. Jay and the younger kids are forced to watch their parents be beaten until blood is rushing out of their noses and mouths. Some how, Louis is now there.

I'm so confused now. Why is he there if he was here a second ago. The next thing I know, I'm in a dark room. The room is too black cold and dark. It's now just me and this damn laptop. My mind is racing. Let this be some sick dream. Please I'm begging you. I'm not even quite sure who I'm begging to, but I hope that some miracle will happen.

The chairs are pushed aside and it's just Louis and Harry in the middle. I hear Nat's laughter again. “Do you want me to do what I did to Stella? Your precious Stella?” He's mocking me and my father. Stella was the best nanny in the world, why are they doing this to me? I haven't done anything except breathe!

I feel two cold, rough hands on my head and turn my head to watch the computer screen. When did this guy get here? Nat takes a knife out and starts to carve along my fathers' chests. I feel wetness on my cheeks. I can't cry now, I didn't cry when Nat's father beat me at that orphanage, I'm not going to cry now.

I see him mutilate their skin with profanities and symbols. Once he got done, he moved onto the other parents and adults. What is wrong with him? Is he this mental to hurt a family? I sniff and try to stop crying, but I can't. It's not that simple. I take in deep breathes and watch him mutilate my family. All I can ask now is why.

I scream out in pain when I feel a knife to my side. I open up my eyes and see Nat in my face. How am I even here? This has to be some sick nightmare I'm having. He craves things into my skin and grabs my neck.

“You brought this upon yourself Styles.” He shifts his hands so I stare out into the room. The kids are no longer there. I have no idea what he did to them. “Kill them all.” I let out a loud aching scream as he kills everyone I love.

“No stop! Stop murdering them!” Tears fill my eyes as I see them get shot in the heads and burned. After they were all gone, I feel Nat pry my eyes open. “What more could you want from me? I lost everyone I loved! Just kill me already!”

I watch him chuckled and stare into my eyes, “I want you to wake up, Larry. Just wake up.” I get confused and soon he's fading away and I hear someone chant for me to wake up. Has my life really all been a dream? No, that's impossible. It's too real. I see black and then a strong light before I hear the last chant.

“Wake up, Larry!”

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now