Chapter Eight

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Harry’s POV

I stand alone in my home. Seems that everyone is busy except for me and that manipulative fool Louis. I call him him manipulative because of what happened a few weeks ago after Larry and Jay’s birthday party. I’ve let him have everything because I love him. I let him have Larry. I let him move out. I let him do everything that I thought was for the best. I guess it just wasn’t enough with letting him move on and hopefully let me move on.

In all honesty, I don’t really think I’m completely over him. I mean I love Emmett, but there is something wrong going on with him. He’s quieter than he usually is. He looks more nervous and suspicious. If I’m correct, I believe he’s cheating on me. I sigh at the thought of that. My relationships always end. I should just stay single and die alone with my cats.

Grabbing my car keys, I walk out of my home to pick up some dinner at the newly added McDonalds. I drive up to the high tech restaurant to grab my food. I walk inside thinking about what to order to hear laughter in the background. Not just any laughter, the laughter of evil. I turn around scared as hell, but my heart soon breaks once I do. I see Emmett sitting there with Nat and River, except he’s glued to the side of River.

“Yeah, the dumb bloke thinks I really am deaf! It’s fucking hilarious.” Emmett’s howled laughter comes through.

“Well he had to be that stupid if he believed he had a chance with you babe,” River laughs while kissing Emmett on the lips.

I shake away the tears that try to escape from my eyes. I can’t let him see me or see me cry. I wipe away the thoughts of hurt from my heart and focus on getting dinner for Larry, Ellie, Evan and Louis.

“Hi Uncle Harry. The usual for Larry, Ellie and Louis?” Jay asks looking at me. I smile and nod.

“But make sure you get my order too Jay. And give me an extra of Ellie’s order for Evan,” I say. She nods and tells me how much the order is.

It only takes a few minutes to get my order done since they had made extras of all my orders. I thank Jay for ordering my food and sprint out the door still remembering that Emmett was still here.

I drive faster than the speed limit to get to Louis’ house. I drive up the short driveway to his blue colored home and walk inside by kicking the door open. He never locks his door, neither does he close it all the way either.

“Lou, I have the food,” I say trying to show that I’m okay, but I’m obviously failing.

Evan looks at me with a confused face, but helps me with the food without questioning anything. I gulp and walk into the kitchen with the small lad. Larry sits on the counter doing something involving maths since he has the calculator. His shoulders are drooped forward with his face cringed up in a stressed manner. His leg is shaking along with his arm. Looks like he’s stressed about something.

“Larry? It’s time for dinner,” I whisper putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He sighs loudly slamming the folder he was working in. He looks at me with his green-gray eyes. His head has much more hair than it did before which I’m taking as a sign that he’s feeling much better from his treatments.

He grabs clean plates from the dishwasher and sets them down on the dark wooden table with enough to seat 10 people. I shrug and lay the food out on the table putting it in the appropriate plates. I set all the drinks next to the plates and lay out the condiments.

Larry, Ellie, Evan and I sit down in the places where we’re supposed to be. We start to eat, but then realize Louis isn’t down here. I put down my burger and walk up stairs to his room. I knock on his door expecting him to open, however only get muffled noises come through the door. I grow impatient and bang on his door whilst screaming.

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now